Call Me Neena

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A/N: I don’t own the Vampire Diaries or any of its other franchises.

On that note: I need you all to know that Caroline X Tyler is not happening. I was never invested in that relationship in the show. I just wanted them to break up every other episode. It was a relation that would never work. And Caroline deserved better than the storyline she got with him.

Yeah, it showed her as great friend but that is what they should have remind. Sorry to disappoint anyone who thought otherwise. You are welcome to your opinion.

Anyway, HAPPY READING! 😍😘😘😘

Chapter 7

Call Me Neena. 

Elena had started to hang out at Bonnie’s house most days. She would be there when Liz was home but otherwise, she spent her days with the witch. Neena was a greatly disappointed when the brunette avoided Caroline most of the time, even when they lived in the same room. The blonde looked disappointed and Neena would pull her to do some cooking to distract the girl.

If the glint in Caroline’s eyes were any indication then the blonde knew what her estranged friend was trying to do.

Jeremy had also started to hang out with Vicki a lot more, most of the time she saw him he was barely conscious enough to reach his room. Neena was worried. She was not sure if this was how he dealt with his grief or if the Plot was unchangeable. He was drawing the times he was sober so maybe it was all the little Gilbert than the Great Plot.

She had looked through his pieces, and most of them were too abstract for her to understand.

The two Gilberts were not talking to each other, and Jeremy barely said anything to Neena as well. Elena would start crying every time Jeremy ignored her in favor of talking to Neena but the boy did not seemed to care and Neena’s caring words word scoffed at.

Neena spent the days improving her magic and some cooking on occasion. She was starting to use the summoning spell almost unconsciously. Her goal to be a waterbender went slowly though. Maybe because her understanding of Nature Magic was still shallow.

Bonnie had Grimoires even when her Grams had died but Neena was discovering everything about this on her own. The magic system was far too inconsistent for her to get a clear picture of the rules.

But it was fun and she wondered if she would discover something about magic that no one else knew.

She used a Diary to note down any shift she felt in her magic when she used it. Making it her own Grimoire because in this universe every witch had one. And she wanted to be a proper witch.

During this time of course she tried to ignore the stalker she gained in the form of a crow.

She wasn’t sure why Damon had decided to observe her, or stalk her but it unnerved her a lot. She hoped her magic would be a deterrent to the Vampire if he was planning on using her as a bloodbag or put her in a coffin. He shouldn’t want to kill her yet, because she was Elena’s family but seeing as the doppelganger didn’t really like her she was not sure how long that would last.

She researched for vervain in the Gilbert journals and old texts of the Forbes at times when Neena didn’t see damon around. Her search for vervain on the internet was a slow going. There were too many articles that were unrelated and useless but seemed useful and what she was looking for at first.

She really wished she had the magical signal all fictional characters had where a single site would have everything they need and want to know about the thing they searched for. She was a fictional character now. Why was the plot engine not working for her?

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