Messages to a Senior

7 1 0

I like you, but I kind of fucking hate you, you smug looking cunt.

You seem to be able to keep everything in your life so carefree, easy and stress less, while making everyone else scramble to keep theirs together or have any kind of life at all.

You 'play' the victim and not the bad guy, which makes it worse because people feel bad for you, but the truth is that you're just an asshole, like the rest of them. You don't care.

I worked it out. Took me a while but I know now. You do not care. But not just about me, about any of it. You couldn't give less of a shit. You're here to make your life easy and breasy and carefree... while the rest of us suffer.

It's kinda funny because today you said it. You said 'I'm a shitty person'. And you're right. But you SMILED
as you said it.
which just

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