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Moving on, Jennie pondered on the thought as she replayed the conversation with her father.

It's been two days since their talk. Jennie thought a lot about her father's words and she decided that she had to give it a go. She would tell Lisa she loved her, and well what happens from then on is up to Lisa.

On this particular morning she was getting dressed for another day at school. She felt giddy and anxious. There was something different about this day, Jennie felt it in her very being. Call it intuition or however you want but today was the day. She ran her hand through her locks absentmindedly.

Jennie didn't really have the opportunity to talk to Lisa in the past two days. Every time she's seen the blonde Lisa would basically run off in the opposite direction. She was really good at avoiding, and that pissed Jennie off enormously. Yesterday she even had a fleeting thought kidnapping Lisa so she could talk to her but she figured that wouldn't do her much favor.

Applying some lip gloss, she looked herself over in her huge mirror. She looked a bit tired and melancholic, giving her an unusually fragile look. She tried off one of her fake smiles to see if the ice queen was still there somewhere. However she couldn't completely pull off her nonchalant look. Her condescending demeanor was still apparent in her stature but it wasn't as intense as usually. Her smile faltered a bit and she shook her head.

Oh Lisa what you do to me?

She looked back at the reflecting green gaze, and as if finally coming to a conclusion she nodded to herself in the mirror.

I would even give you up. My shield, my emotionless cold passenger, I 'd give you up for her. And I will if that's what I need to have her love.


Keihl glared at the icy brunette as she strolled down the corridor. Her gaze unfaltering, her head held high and slight sway of her hips as she walked turned heads as students somewhat slowed down their actions to stare at her. Leaning against the wall, his jaw clenched hard, Keihl wished he could burn holes in her head. Squinting his eyes at her he observed the brunette. He concluded there was something different about her today. She was still her bitchy self, but she also seemed determined and ferocious.

Keihl got an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. It seemed like she was up to something, and if he was guessing it would probably have to do something with Lisa. Thinking of Lisa made him bitter. She continuously rejected his advances and he simply couldn't believe how could she still be in love with the bitch such as Jennie. Jennie's sensual perfume probed his nostrils as she passed by him. He followed her with his eyes, admitting to himself that she was a gorgeous girl but still hating her because she stole Lisa away from him.

Jennie sat impatiently through her first class, fidgeting with her pen the whole time. She was thinking of possible scenarios of her confession, and somehow the more she thought about it, the more badly they ended. She could feel her palms sweating and her determination from this morning slowly crumbling. She closed her eyes, completely fazing out from the lecture. Wiping her clammy hands on her uniform, she inhaled deeply.

Jennie you can do this, she encouraged herself. After a long second she opened her eyes.

Thankfully the teacher didn't notice her internal struggle. Every couple of minutes Jennie looked at her watch waiting for the next class so she can see Lisa. Finally after what it seemed like forever, the bell rung, signalling the end of the class. Hoping that she looked composed, Jennie walked to her next class. She sat in her place, seeing that Lisa wasn't here yet. A pang of fear went through her and irrational thoughts swarmed her mind.

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