The Past

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After leaving the Holomyth HQ, I met up with Rika and Riko who were relieved to see me.

Rika: Where were you, Y/N, you were gone for so long.

Y/N: Sorry...but I can't tell you where I was.

Riko: Why is that?

Y/N: Uh...I'm not exactly sure where I was either...

Y/N thoughts: I very well can't tell them I've been hanging out with a grim reaper, a Phoenix, and a shark.

Riko: I'm just glad you're ok.

Y/N: Speaking of that, come over her for a second.

Riko: What is it?

When he walked towards me, I punched him on the jaw.

Riko: What the hell?!

Y/N: You're an idiot! Next time don't run into the street and almost get hit by a car!

When I said that, the image of Calli entered my mind again in that black void. I put my hand on my head as it started hurting and I stumbled back a little.

Rika: Are you ok?!

Y/N: I-I'm fine...

Y/N thoughts: What's my connection with Calli and why can't I stop thinking about her.

Calliope POV

Amelia: Why did you save him, Calli? He seems like a normal teenager.

Calli: ...I met him when he was just a little kid. And he isn't...ordinary. Not anymore.

Amelia: What do you mean

Flashback Calli POV

I saw a little boy badly hurt on the walkway. I went to grab his soul but something stopped me from grabbing it.

Calli: I...can't grab his soul...?

I pick the boy up and disappeared from the scene. I went back to my place in the underworld with the kid in my arms. I laid him on my bed.

Calli: Why can't I take his soul? Under any normal conditions...he would be dead.

I placed me hand on his chest.

Calli: His soul is damaged...poor kid...

I removed my hand from his chest

Calli: If I can repair his soul, he should be ok. The only way to repair the soul of a for a grim reaper to share a part of their own soul.

I placed a hand on my chest and grabbed a piece of my soul then placed the soul on his chest and his soul started repairing itself. When his soul was repaired, his eyes slowly opened.

End of Flashback

Calli: He isn't normal...because...a part of my intertwined with his soul...


I was walking through the city alone still thinking of what my connection with Calli is. When I reached my house, I walked in and saw my mom.

Mom: Y/N?! You're ok!

She ran and hugged me.


Mom: Where were you?

Y/N: It'

When she stopped hugging me, I went over to my room and laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling.

Y/N:'s no use I can think of anything!

I grabbed my pillow to scream in it but when I grabbed it, I saw what looked to be a necklace fall out of the pillow case. I picked it up and took a closer look. The thing that fell out of the pillow case was a locket. I opened the locket to see Calli in it.

Y/N: Huh?!

I sat up in shock.

Y/N: Why do I have a locket of Calli?

Suddenly I remembered something from the past.

Flashback Y/N POV 7 years old

Calli: Here. Take this.

Y/N: What is this?

Calli: A locket. When the time is right...this will help you remember.

I grabbed the locket and saw Calli inside it.

End of Flashback

Y/N: I...met Calli when I was younger. I have to ask Calli what this is about when I see her again.

The next day was uneventful. All my classes were boring and all I can think about was the locket that I found that I now wore around my neck.

Riko: What's with the locket, Y/N?

Y/N: It's just something I found in my room yesterday. Don't worry about it.

Riko: What's in it?

Y/N: Huh?

Riko: Let me see what's in the locket.

Y/N: Why?

Riko: I'm curious. So let me see.

Y/N: (sighs) fine...

I opened my locket so he can see what was in it. When he saw what was in it, his eyes widened.

Riko: The. The soul reaper?! How did you find that in your room?

Y/N: All I remember is that she gave me this locket a long time ago. Maybe that's why she saved me a few days ago.

When school ended, I went on my way to the Holomyth HQ to see Calli. When I got to the HQ, I saw Calli outside.

Y/N: Calli?

She turned and saw me.

Calli: Oh? Hey Y/N?

Y/N: I have a couple questions for you.

Calli: What is it?

Y/N: It's..about this locket.

Calli looked at the locket and smiled.

Calli: I haven't seen that locket for a long time.

Y/N: I remembered why I have this locket. You gave it to me a long time ago. But my question is what you said before you gave me the locket. "When the time is right...this will help you remember".

Calli: Oh...that. Well...I meant the incident that happened a few days ago. You forgot who I was so that locket would help you remember me. When you saw that locket, a memory came back to you, didn't it?

Y/N: Um...yes...a memory did come back. The memory was when you gave me this.

Calli nodded her head.

Calli: That's what I thought.

Amelia and Gura walked outside to see us talking.

Amelia: Oh, hey, Y/N?

I turned to look at them.

Y/N: Hey Ame, hey Gura?

To he continued

Mori Calliope x Male reader: The Grim Reaper and the HumanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ