They zoomed in and you can see my hair color and part of my hat.


" And part of her hat." Addie said moving to the hat. I looked up and saw Austin walking by.

I looked at him and he looked at the screen nonchalantly.

His eyes got wide and looked at me as he kept walking.

" What does the hat say then we can number it down to people that we know that has it." Jordan said

" What if she doesn't go to our school." I said

" What if she does." Addie said

" What if she doesn't." I said

" GUYS ! " Iris yelled

" It says badass." Paisley said

They all looked at me and Jordan said ;

" And she has your hair color."

" It's not me." I said

Before they could say anything else the bell rang.

We walked to our lockers and I quickly walked to first hour.

There so close to finding out. This is not good.

I quickly pulled out my phone texted Austin.

To: Hot Ass MotherFucker.😍👅💦

There so close to finding out. They know that "she" has the same color hair as me and that "she" has the same beanie as me.

Austin looked at me and the teacher walked in.

I can't lose them completely.. But I don't to lose him.. I can't lose him..

I looked down at my necklace and remembered what he said to me.

A pair of wings for my angel.

I smiled and looked back at the teacher and tried to focus.

• skips to lunch •

I sat down by the girls and they completely ignored me.

Did they find out ?

" What if she doesn't go to our school.?" Paisley said

" How would austin find a girl from a different school. He's got enough ass here." Iris said

" Maybe he's tired of the ass here." I said

" Nah. I don't think he is." Jordan said

" Wait maybe it's sophie." Addie said

" Have you seen them talking ?" Iris asked me.

" Nah. But then again I'm in my room all day everyday." I said

" Oh yeah your grounded." Iris said

" But who else has a bad ass beanie that goes here." Jordan said

" No one that I know of." Iris said looking at me intensely.

" Why are you looking at me like that.?" I asked

" Because I can tell when your nervous, trying to hide something." She said

" What are you trying to say ?" I asked

" Are you dating austin ?" Addie asked

" No." I said cause technically I'm not.

" Are you lying to us ?" Jordan asked

" Nope." I said

" Then why is your face red ?" Paisley asked

" I don't know maybe because I'm getting mad." I said

" Iris let me see that picture again." Addie said

Iris handed Addie her phone and she kept looking at me.

I slammed my hands against the table and stormed away. I walked to the bathroom and sat down.

I want to tell them.. Really bad. But I can't. They will hate me forever..

I heard Iris walk in and she said ;

" Are you okay ?"

" Why do you think I'm dating austin.?" I asked

" Because you think he's hot and he likes you and the girls hair looks exactly like yours." She said

" I swear on my moms grave I am not dating him." I said

" Okay.." She said

I stood up and we walked out and the bell rang. We walked to our lockers got our stuff and walked to our 6th hour.

• skips to the end of the day•

I walked out of my class and saw the girls talking.

I couldn't hear what they were saying and I couldn't read there lips either.

I quickly put my stuff in my locker and Walked out of the school.

I got in my car and drove away. They can't find out.. Please don't let them find out..

I pulled in my driveway and quickly Walked upstairs.

A nap. I need a nap. I laid down and quickly fell asleep.

Okay guys.

I'm sorry this chapter is short and kinda quick but the next chapter ism prolly gonna be long and maybe exciting.

I'll try to post tomorrow but idk because I have plans tomorrow. If not tomorrow hopefully the day after.

Love you guys.😘

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