
13 4 0

So promising and yet so dangerous....

I have a few questions...
Are we puppets???
Made by the creator just to multiply and die off?

The most scary thing about life's unpredictable
Someone you love could leave at the snap of a finger and you might never get the chance to say goodbye....

I don't know how life works
I don't know the things that we don't see behind the scenes..
But i know that all we want is to live a life that's worth it and to say a proper goodbye to loved ones before passing on...
I mean... is that too much to ask????

Why does bad things have to happen for the greater good to take place?
And sometimes the bad things takes the weak with them and they never get to see the greater good they worked for...
I wish someone had the answers to all my questions... but i guess i would have to wait....

                                   Wisdom Francis

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