LIFE: Don't Judge

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So Unbalanced and so questionable
Everyone is equal but some are more equal than the others......
Lots of bad things happen everyday
People make mistakes but it's not in your place to judge anyone..
People judge other people for openly doing what they do in secret...
Judging someone for something you do is hypocritical
Everyone has a reason to do bad and judging someone without actually passing through what they have passed through is hypocritical...

The best you can do for others is to listen and be of positive help....

Nevertheless, doing bad is never justified
Regardless the reason...
Because you'll definitely reap the bad you did

"Don't judge a book by its cover take your time and go through its pages"

Don't be too quick to judge
Rather observe...

                                           Wisdom Francis

This thing called lifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt