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I'm in a mood where I just need food
So i Can overlook the doom
My dad said to me...just make a move and it'll boom
God knows I've tried but it just seems like there's no more room for me
They say run run from it,dread it , destiny will still arrive all the same
This life all seems like a dream in a loop
Something doesn't just feel right
Life is not about your policies all the time
So rearrange your philosophies and be good to your fellow man
So i have a question
Why do people with lots of experience about life still fail life's exams
Life isn't difficult it just throws at you your weaknesses .
That's why you need to be good
So when you fall others lift you back up
I just hope my future is as bright as my imaginations there's nothing more I could hope for....
                                    Wisdom Francis

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