Chapter 14: Downfalls End

Start from the beginning

Taito seemed to frown more and sighed. "It's 4 A.M. ....Are you not feeling well? You didn't wake when Kuma and I came in here to get you for breakfast.." The older boy spoke softly, concern filling his voice.

" 'M fine.. Just had to check on you guys is all." He mumbled before slowly getting off his bed and stretching. His hair followed his movements as he let it remain down for once

"Yuuto, if you keep that up you'll get sick.." Taito replied. He had never approved of Yuuto's solution to his restless nights but even his beloved twin couldn't stop him.

The younger male simply walked to his closet and began to pick out an outfit, lazily throwing on some jeans and a red turtle neck sweater, matching with his twin easily. They bought their clothes in sets after all.  He grumbled as Taito quickly began to brush his hair, quickly grabbing a ponytail holder and putting Yuuto's hair in the usual low ponytail he always wore.

I don't get why you don't keep it down. Doesn't your head hurt after a while?

Too messy. Mine doesn't like to listen like yours does.

You always say that. Perhaps once we claim our toy you can try it. He'd like it, I think.

Tai-chan just wants to confuse the stupid people at school.

The two continued to talk through their link,occasionally chuckling out loud or scoffing.

"We still have quite some time before dinner..." Taito murmured.

Let's go view the backyard. Perhaps one of our toys will be out there..

Yuuto seemed to light up at the thought, now fully awake and acting more like his usual self.

Do you think they have a yard for us to play tag in?! Ahh it's been forever since we've played!

I would hope so. It would be sad if they had this huge house with no room to play outside.

With that thought in mind the twins left Yuuto's room, quickly making their way towards the back.

Yuuto hoped their toys would be there. He was getting tired of holding back.

●●●●● Third Pov ●●●●●

The lonely moon slowly climbed it's way up into the night sky as a certain vampire sat admiring it.

"Are you going to Scarborough fair?"

His gentle voice sang out, the breeze gently wrapping around his words and allowing them to be carried throughout the house and yard.

"Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme."

The purple-haired vampire gazed out at the lonely moon, the teddy bear in his arms seeming to cry out the lyrics only for him to hear. Perhaps the moon was like him.

"Remember me, to one who--"

Gentle melody had been disturbed by the sound of a door opening and a blonde human girl.

"Kanato-kun was that you singing?" The rather innocent question rang out and Kanato looked toward the girl.

"Ah, Yui... it's a beautiful night, isn't it?" The vampire spoke softly, a rare gentle smile on his face as he looked away from the confused girl to the wonderful night sky.

"Why are you sitting there? That's dangerous.." She hesitantly spoke up, walking closer to the balcony's railing, where the petite vampire was sitting.

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