chapter 3

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She made us sandwich, which we ate while making small talks. I asked her if we should go by the lake near the waterfall to relax, she said that was a perfect idea. We wore shorts, and a baggy shirt and sat in front of the lake. We kept watching different colourful butterflies, while ruminating about life. We didn't realize it was late, until the sky had darken. We went back, as she decided we are having French bread, with seafood source. She cooked the dinner,  while I set the table. We ate dinner silently, even though I constantly feel noeals eyes on me, I ignored it and retired to bed early. I received a message from an unknown number saying "have a good night love". I asked myself, who it was as I knew I don't have the number in my contacts. but it said it's from my beloved, the person even called me love. I ignored the person, cause I begin to think it might be a joker. I didn't know when I slept off till I felt a body hooked to me. I looked behind me and saw slim legs tangled with mine. That almost got me a heart attack until I saw the face. I was shocked because noel never likes sleeping close to anyone. I wondered what was she thinking sleeping next to me. I felt a tug in my heart, when I realized she must have thought am  still in pain, that's why she came to support me. What did I do to deserve such a loyal and loving friend, she stood by me when everyone left me. She loved me when everyone hated me, she adored me when everyone despised me. My heart skipped a beat looking at her serene face. I got out of the bed and went downstairs. I decided I would cook breakfast for us to show my appreciation of her support yesterday. After finishing, I carried all the breakfast to my room. And entered, seeing as noel is still asleep, I decided to take my bath before eating breakfast. After coming out from my bath, I woke noel asking her if she would continue to sleep like a log. She laughed getting into the bathroom to do her business. After getting ourselves dressed, we delved into Eating our breakfast while having little conversations. We decided to go shopping, in which she advised me to register for an upcoming competition for pianists. I told her I would think about it seeing as I don't want to be under spotlight. She said since it would give me peace of mind, as it also helps my emotions while playing. I should go for it. I thanked her for the advice, and we head to the centre , where the forms are sold. deciding to buy the form for the competition. I filled the form, at the reception. I was told that they would reach out to me. Going back home, we ate the MacDonald's I bought on the way while coming back. Noealla decided to turn the piano room into. a studio. After everything was done, we went through different tunes. I played both tunes of rising, and don't give up. After getting tired. We move to the sitting room, to watch a movie on Netflix. We were halfway through the music, when my mother called. Saying I should come home tonight for dinner, as we are having a special visitor. I told her I was busy but she said I dare not defy her. I agreed to come even though I was sad. When evening came, I got dressed, in a black body fitting dress. I wore black studs and earrings to compliment my appearance. I refused to put on any makeup. After saying by to Noealla, I climbed into the Bentley as it sped away. Arriving at the mansion, I head towards the dining area as noise was coming from there. My mother put on her well packaged fake smile,  introducing me to the couple sitting opposite her, As her eldest daughter. She proceeds to introduce their son when I raised my head to say hello I was met with the person I never expect. My face was star struck. How is this possible!!!!!

Hi guys another chapter is up, sorry for late update. It was due to some personal problems.

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