Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Iris: "Father and Onii-sama have set off on an expedition to the city near the front lines of the war, so it will be fine...When it's just the three of us, please use the same tone you use with Lalatina. Wait, you call her Darkness. Please speak with me the same way you would speak with Darkness."

Iris sat down on the bed.

Iris: "Please tell me about things outside the castle."


The white-suited woman had just entered the room and announced that Kazuma and (Y/N) were now official guests.

(Y/N): "Look, I'm not in any position to tell you what to do, but you might wanna stop him. The story is pretty raunchy, and he won't listen to me."

Kazuma: "Then Darkness said, 'How did it get to this?' and went around to my back, blushing all the way up her ears. She gripped the towel tightly, and then shyly..."

Iris: "Sh-shyly?! What did she do shyly?!"

The white-suited woman drew her sword.

White-suited Woman: "What nonsense are you filling the Princess' head with?! Do you want me to turn you into mincemeat?!"

Kazuma: "W-wait, Iris asked me to-"

White-suited Woman: "A mere adventurer dares to address the Princess by her name?! And what's with your casual tone?!"

Iris: "Wait Claire, I've asked them to address me this way, with casual tone as well. Now back to the story, what did she do shyly?! What did the naked Lalatina do?!"

White-suited Woman: "Princess Iris, you can't ask that! And Kazuma-dono, please don't tell her highness such stories! As for a peasant and Lady Dustiness...B-bathing together...Th-that's a lie, right?"

(Y/N): "Nope. I jumped out a second story window to cover his ass, but that's a whole other story."

Iris balled her fists up on the bed and leaned forward, eager to hear the rest of Kazuma's risqué story.

Iris: "Quick! Quick! What happened next?!"

Kazuma: 'This Claire woman is a pain.'

Claire sheathed her sword.

Claire: "Please do not tell Princess Iris such things!"

Kazuma: "Iris has the right to decide what stories she wants to hear. She doesn't have to listen to a minion like yourself."

(Y/N): "Yeah, fuck censorship!"

Kazuma: "(Y/N), you idiot! Darkness told you not to swear in front of Iris!"

(Y/N): "Sorry, but I have to talk the way I would around Darkness. Princess' orders."

Kazuma: "...Anyway, I'm going to continue the story, so scram! Get out of here!"

Claire: "You insolent fool, I'm no minion! I am the elder daughter of the house of Symphonia, which matches in status even the Dustiness house! And as an escort for the Princess..."

Kazuma completely ignored her.

Kazuma: "Since the white-suited woman is throwing a fit, we'll have to hear this story another time."

Claire: "White-suited Woman?! Address me as Lady Claire! What's with this man?! Lady Dustiness must have had such a hard time..."

Iris looked down with a somewhat sad expression.

Iris: "It's really a pity, but we'll have to hear that story another time."

Claire let out a deep sigh, relieved.

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