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The bag from wooyoung hand fall down.

No words come out his mouth as he was in a state of fear.

Fear of what the other would do to him.

"I am back... and I will complete my promise, angel... I would make you regret for playing with my feelings..."

"Please..no." wooyoung whispered as tears roll down his face. Both jongho and mingi ask him what's wrong but he was so invested in the call to even give a fuck to them. At one point mingi was about to snatch the phone away from wooyoung grip but jongho stops as just then wooyoung turns and looks at the cafe they had just come out with wide horror eyes.

"Look behind, the cafe from where you just walk out is more then ready to blow out."

"No.." wooyoung takes a step towards the cafe.


"NO!!" Wooyoung drop his phone still on call and runs towards the cafe.


"Wooyoung!!" Both his friends yelled his name but before they could even do anything. Before wooyoung could reach the cafe.

"3, boom!"


Wooyoung stops in his track as his eyes and mouth open seeing the favorite cafe of his and his friends, where his parents met, the cafe which he had so many memories with, all the staff, his friends, the owners everyone was blown off.

Wooyoung falls on his knees still in shocked as he didn't notice when mingi and jongho drag him away from the cafe, not wanting their friend to die.

All those lives...

His fault..

Wooyoung close his eyes but then his phone ring again making his breaths once again away from him. Mingi give him his phone back.

Wooyoung looks at the Id and find it's of san.

He immediately pick it up. Sobs leaving his mouth.

"Wooyoung!? Where are you?"

"O-officer san!" Wooyoung cried out.

"We are on our way. Stay strong wooyoung." San cut the call as wooyoung clutch the mobile to his chest and cried.

Mimgi and jongho themselves trauma still tried to comfort their friend. They have no idea whose phone was it is. They have no idea.

They thought to ask their friend about it later but what they do know is that, it must have a connection to this blast due to wooyoung reaction.

Jongho also had contacted hoseok and tell him about it. Firefighters also had comes with ambulances.

They take wooyoung to treat his wounds as he was the closest to the cafe that time. He had glass pounce in him but right now he didn't care.

Soon, yeosang car appears and wooyoung despite they were bandgaing his wounds, he run to the two breathing heavily. Mingi and jongho follow suits.

Wooyoung first action was to grab yeosang by collar and pull him towards him. Their faces were inches apart.

Wooyoung felt rage! Rage, because they are the ones because of who he is in this mess in first place while mingi and jongho again shocked to see their friend taking his rage out on a officer and not any but kang yeosang.

wrecking ball// WoohwaWhere stories live. Discover now