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''Cassidy!'' Henry screamed as he settled into bed. Henry and Cassidy were brother and sister. The two of them lived in a tiny apartment in the middle of New York City. It was 9:30 the night was dark, but the city lite up like a Christmas tree. He was a jumpy kid as jumpy as he was in a falling world. Henry was jumping on his plain bed, in his plain cream color room, with his plain brown furniture that came with the place. Cassidy Stark now 15 years old and Henry was about to turn 11. She never came out once, but today was special she told Henry she would tell him a story. The first time she did anything big-sister-like in forever. She has become a recluse in her own bedroom; if it wasn't for her brother then she would have never come out. ''Look get in bed, and I'll tell you a story.'' She was happy for once, and she was smiling. It was a once in a life time situation that would never come again.

''Ok, which story do you want me to tell you?'' Cassidy ask as she jumped into bed next to Henry. Henry pushed Cassidy off, because he wanted his own space. ''Well if you push me off, then I won't tell you anything.'' She stood up to leave, but Henry pulled her back. ''No, you promised, so you couldn't leave even if you wanted too. Cassidy was forced to keep all her promises; it was her own little curse. ''Whatever you little meanie.'' She laughed. ''Now talk!'' he demanded. ''Gosh you're mean.'' ''Well you promised-'' ''Yeah, yeah now which story do you want to hear?''

He hesitated before talking. He was thinking of a story, well more of the titled. ''Can you tell me about the one with the thing, and the thing that happened, with the person?'' ''That's very specific.'' She teased. Cassidy loves her brother, but she'll make fun of him whenever she gets the chance. ''Oh be quite. Tell me the story about the Vampire.'' Her smile soon faded, to a blank emotion. ''Oh that one, I haven't told that one in forever. I'm not sure if I remember-'' ''You said you-'' ''Yeah I know what I said, find I guess it's an appropriate story, next week being Halloween and all.'' ''I thought it was November.'' She pushed Henry slightly in a way to tell him he was being annoying. ''No, slow down, no need to grow up too fast.'' Her laughing self was gone, and back to her blank emotion.

''Now, talk.'' He hit Cassidy with his pillow, and she hit him back harder with another pillow. ''Fine, now let me think.''

''A long time ago, in the year 1689, there was a man named Vlad. He lived in a Transylvanian castle a million miles away from here. His family had a dark history of a curse taking over the family's bloodline. Every generation had to deal with the same problem. They all had three days to take on the task in order to be free from the curse. For over 200 years, everyone has been able to surmount this task. But there was one man who wasn't able to let go. He was a dashing prince, with jet black hair, and was extremely buff, in my opinion.'' ''Shut up, and continue!'' Henry yelled.

''Before he came home, he was in a war, against... I can't remember.-'' ''I think you're getting your stories mixed up.'' ''Hey, who's telling the story here.'' He stopped talking, and she continued. ''He was a great warrior, and being a prince, he had a princess, Jessiabell. Jessiabell was the first female warrior of her time, and just as faith would have it they met, and fell in love. At the time it wasn't the greatest of meaning, they met on the battlefield. They were fighting on opposing sides. The rest of her army fell, and she was the last one. It was the prince's 'honor' so say to kill her. But when it came time he couldn't do it. He couldn't kill her. Instead she spent three years as a prisoner in his castle. Well I say prisoner, more of an un-wanted guest. During that time they talked, they got to know each other, and became more than just friends. After three years of waiting, he finally asked her to marry him.

Now before you start saying ewe love, girls have cooties, well what seemed like a tragic love story turns out to be so much more. This is a story about an untold story, time forgot. This is the about Vladimir: The Vampire.

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