Finally, Will caught up to them, slightly out of breath, "Can you two not run off like that? Why are you in here anyways? Did you get caught?"

Jules and Aaron both flashed him a cheeky grin, "Sorry, Will! That was my fault,"

"Yeah, all his fault! Also, I realised that we didn't know where your car was," Jules scratched her head awkwardly.

Will lets out a chuckle and put a hand on both their heads, "You two are a fucking handful,"

Jules lets out a scoff as Aaron went to his idol's side, the two of them talking while they walked to Will's car to pickup their friend.


"WILBURRR!" yelled Tommy as he came running towards Will, immediately embracing him.

"TOMMY! MY MAN! HOW'VE YOU BEEN DUDE?" Will says enthusiastically, causing a smile to appear on Jules' face.

It warmed her heart to see Will looking extremely happy like a child getting a truck load of candy for Christmas- whenever meeting someone other than her.

"I've been good! Dad, this is Wilbur," Tommy introduces his dad, as they both shook hands.

"Great to meet you, Wilbur!" Tommy's dad exclaimed as Will shook his head slightly, chuckling.

"You can call me, Will. Also, these two are Aaron and Jules,"

Tommy's dad and the two siblings then proceeded to greet each other, tossing jokes around as they go.

"Tommy, you've been awfully quiet," Will pointed out as Jules turned to look at him, noticing that he was staring at her.

"..Oh my God, she's real," Tommy mumbled, causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Jules flashed a grin at him, "Nice to finally meet you, gremlin child,"

"I'M NOT A-"

Tommy's dad lets out a laugh as he cuts him off, "Sorry about Tom, he just doesn't know how to act properly, especially in front of two people he wouldn't stop going on about on the way here,"

"Aw.. that's sweet of you, Tommy!" Will teases as Jules hugged him slightly, "I knew you secretly loved me!"

"Dad can we go home now.." Tommy mumbled as everyone lets out another chorus of laughter.

"Well, Tommy. I'm surprised you're not freaking out over him over there. Even I know who he is," Tommy's dad pointed at Aaron who stayed quiet the entire conversation, trying to act as polite as possible.




Will immediately covers his mouth, "Keep it down! We don't want the media following us,"

Tommy lets out a scoff, "I knew I'd be big and famous here,"

"See that, Ronnie? You have competition. Also, we can let loose around them, they'll keep quiet," Jules reassured her brother as Tommy and his dad nodded in agreement.

Aaron lets out a loud sigh of relief, "PHEW! Here I thought I'd have to play the cooler and composed sibling, but we already have one of those,"

Jules rolled her eyes as Aaron nudged her slightly, "Nice to meet you! I'm Aaron, and everything you want to know about me should be on social media somewhere, but I'm also a huge Wilbur stan!"

Wilbur chuckled, feeling slightly embarrassed as Jules raised an eyebrow at them.

"Are you a huge TommyInnit stan?" Tommy asked and that was when Jules immediately nudged Will, signalling that another war was about to break out.

Will getting the message, started leading Jules and Tommy's dad away, bringing their bags along as well from the chaos that was about erupt.



"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU AREN'T EVEN SUBSCRIBED?" Tommy yelled out at Aaron, who looked at him with a fake expression of confusion.

"Am I supposed to? I don't watch a lot of your videos. Julie usually watches Dream or Karl Jacobs with me," Jules groaned upon hearing that, the little devil dragged her into the conversation on purpose.

Tommy and Aaron immediately caught up to the trio, Tommy walking beside Jules, "Do you seriously only watch Karl, Dream and Wilbur's videos?"

"No, you idiot. I watch more than that, also Aaron is probably messing with you. I never showed him your videos but I'm sure he's watched at least one,"

"THAT'S EVEN WORSE! HE IS UNEDUCATED!" Tommy yelled out in disbelief, causing Aaron and Jules to let out a laugh, "Excuse you, I am way older than you."

Will, having to play mediator before they attracted any form of unwanted attention, came to step in, "Alright guys. We have to go now, Tommy why don't you tell Aaron all about what you do in the car,"

"But, Will! He's BARELY watched any of my videos! I'm not getting in with a fake stan.." Tommy said, glaring playfully at Aaron.

"I doubt you've listened to ALL my music either, try being a singer and see how your schedule works out," Aaron pouted at him as Jules had an idea.

"Tommy, why don't you introduce him to the Minecraft Community and Ronnie can show you all his.. Music stuff,"

"Hey! You technically work in-" Aaron got cut off.

"YES! BRILLIANT IDEA! I knew you were smart," Tommy nudged Jules, causing her to roll her eyes at him.

The trio continued talking whilst walking when suddenly Jules found Will beside her.

Turning away from the conversation just as Tommy's dad joined in, she whispered to him, "What's up?"

Will shrugged as he put an arm around her waist, "Nothing. I just don't like how.. weirdly close Tommy is to you,"

Jules lets out a chuckle, calming her heart from having his arm around her waist. Usually she'd be fine with this, but every once so often, she'd feel her heart quicken it's pace and would feel slightly flustered.

Getting rid of any other thoughts, she replied, "Well.. he does idolise me apparently,"

This only caused Will to pull her even closer to him, "He idolises me too.. yet I don't see him come clinging to me."

Jules poked his cheek, "Is someone jealous?" causing Will to let out a scoff, "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Hey! Can you lovebirds stop flirting and join in?" Aaron called out to them. Jules felt herself feel slightly embarrassed upon remembering the position they were in and was about to move away, but Will kept his grip around her waist as he walked them towards the others.

"Are you two sure you're not dating?" Tommy asked as he walked next to Jules.

Jules smiled and shook her head, ignoring the sad feeling that suddenly washed over her, "No, we're just best friends."

"Well I have a best friend named Tubbo, if Ranboo doesn't take him away. But I don't hold him like that." Jules rolled her eyes at him and put a hand to his head to ruffle up his hair.

"Not a good bit, Tommy," Will said as Tommy begins to laugh.

Everyone then started conversing whilst walking to Will's car again as Will stayed quiet.

Making sure no one goes close to Jules, Will wrapped his arm around her waist throughout the rest of the walk there.

Unknowingly to Jules, Will had also felt the sad feeling that also washed over him when mentioned they were best friends, causing him to currently be protective of her.

After all, best friends are supposed to protect each other.

OUT OF MY LEAGUE || Wilbur SootМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя