CHAPTER 16: Lizard Squad

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"Well that heroin crazed lizard can have his fun in this city." Spooderman said bashing the windows of the dealership.
"For now" Rompoge said killing a cars salesman
"Lol Rompoge no chill"
"Idk I'm bored af rn" Rompoge said stepping on 9 tires "hmm, weirdly familiar feeling"
"Well I guess we can track him down" Spooderman said pulling up his spoodertracker.
"Wtf its hacked!" Spooderman said as he saw a fat hairy teenage boy come up on his screen
"Lol hi I'm tony I rekt u guys. I'm part of the lizard squad"
"W8 m8 UR not actual lizards?"
"Naw but we help lizards like this giant ass lizard"
"Fracking losers"
"Well atleast I know how to take down Xbox one servers!"
"Yeah I know how to take down losers like you"
"What... AGHH WHAT THE HELL" the spooky loser said as Rompoge but off his legs
"It kinda tastes like lizard" Rompoge said.
"U spookasaurus yak holy ballsacks"
"lol u don't have that anymore either" Rompoge said biting off his balls.
"Go Rompoge!" Spooderman said as Rompoge swallowed the fat boy whole.
"Death to lizards!"

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