CHAPTER 4: Search For Sidekick

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"I need a side kick" Spooderman said as he was walking downtown to find a possible side kick.
Spooderman saw a raccoon foaming at the mouth.
"I'll call you..... Rockot," Spooderman picked up Rockot and Rockot mauled him.
"Feisty, heh ;)," Spooderman said sexually "I'll test UR skills on that baby" Spooderman threw Rockot into the road to get the baby on the sidewalk. Rockot threw a grenade at the baby and it exploded.
"K den," Spooderman said "now for your second test, indestructibility" Spooderman threw Rockot in front of a bus and raccoon guts flew everywhere
"U get a gold star for participation," Spooderman placed the gold star in the pile of coon guts on the pavement.
Spooderman walked farther down the road and saw a Yak. The Yak flipped a school bus and trampled a elderly woman.
"I want that one!" Spooderman pointed at the yak and hopped on his back.

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