He glared at her. This was the third time she'd hinted her doubt at him having liked that broccoli, when he genuinely had. She just chuckled and shrugged.

Zac: 4, Rhett: 8. This talk was getting better with each passing moment.

She continued, "But if it was someone else sitting there, they might have made a fuss about why I'd taken the liberty to decide what they wanted to eat. My profession requires me to ask. Actually, it's quite similar to what you do. You don't decide for your customers, do you?"

He shook his head. He'd be walking on the road to bankruptcy if he tried some stunt like that.

"Exactly. At most, you suggest and try to persuade. That's exactly what I have to do. I can't decide for them, if anything I can suggest and try persuasion, but nothing more. In the end, the choice is theirs."

"Well then, what you're implying is that I am very cooperative and supportive, isn't it?"

"Yep. You and your family are one of the few clients who do that. So soup?"

"Perhaps one variety?"

"If you want soup, I'd suggest then you keep two. Guests like to know that they have control and can decide." She noted to herself, "Keep vegan and meat varieties if possible, see how that works."

"Appetizers?" He made a move to answer but she cut him off. "Make that a statement. Appetizers are a must. There's no question about it. Okay, salads? Yes. You need salads too. Um. Okay, now, fish?"

"Yes. Seafood is a must."

"Thought so," she smiled.

"Main course one, white meat?"

"Another must."

"Palate cleansers? Since it's a Plated Service, I would suggest going with it." She waited for his answer, but it never came. "So...? Palate cleansers, do you want them or not?"

"I guess it's decided that it's there."


"Savannah. You said you would put it there and I've already told you, you're the boss here."

She huffed. "Sure," she muttered. "Next, main course two, red meat."

"Must, again."

"Yeah. Cheese course?"


"Good. I'd suggest the same."

"Last, but not the least, is dessert. Obviously. And finally, it's the mignardise—dessert with coffee, tea, or alcohol."

"Dessert has to be there. With or without the migna-whatver. You decide."

She laughed. "It's min-yar-deez or min-ya-deez, whichever suits your accent."

Zac: 5, Rhett: 8.

"Got it. Anyway, I believe we've only gotten through half of your questionnaire. So, shoot!"

"Yup! Well, how many varieties in each course?"

"Soups, I think you decided on two. Then appetizers around five...?"

"Well, the variety and quantity are inversely proportional to each other. So, the variety goes down, the quantity goes up and vice versa. But still, I'd say, since it American, decrease it to two, or three, varieties, so that people can enjoy what they have thoroughly and at the same time appetizers get to work as appetizers only."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"See, the function of appetizers is to appetize you, get you ready for what's coming, right? However, if there are too many appetizers, there's a higher chance that people will want to taste each different thing and then they'll want to take second servings of what they liked, losing their appetite for the rest of the meal in the process. Get it?"

"You. Are. Smart. Savannah," he marveled.

"That I am. Anyway, so soups—two... and appetizers... three, say one meat," she wrote as she said it out loud, "one vegetarian and one vegan, in case any of your guests are vegan."

"So far so good."

"Great. So next is salads. Three should be good, according to me, same like the appetizers. What do you think?"

They were discussing the courses when there was a single knock before Stella strode in with two mugs.

"It's been an hour and a half since you both have locked yourselves in the room. I decided to get coffee and I was going to knock, I did too, but then I didn't really hear any noises, so I barged in."

"Kiddo!" he hissed.

Finally when the meaning of Stella's insinuation dawned over her, she blushed. Noises? Out of all the things Stella could say, the one thing she wanted to say was that she'd thought they both were having sex?

Mortification definitely had levels, and it seemed God wasn't satisfied with the level of mortification she'd faced during lunch, he'd sent Stella to make things worse by embarrassing her to a whole new level.

Though Zac was rather amused by Stella's words, he couldn't help but feel delighted seeing the blush that crept up on Savannah's cheeks. She was easily flustered, her shyness being a cherry on the top. She was adorable, besides being thoroughly professional and perfectionist.

He discovered he liked even the flaws when it came to Savannah. And, the realization was quite languid.

"No, Stella we were not having sex," he clarified and watched intently as the shade of her blush intensified to a deeper red. Her reactions and responses got to him like nothing else ever had.

Was he on the road to developing some sort of a crush on her? 

It's not impossible, Zachary Sifton, his subconscious prodded.

"Well, if you," she pointed at Savannah, "are done blushing, and you," she pointed at her brother, "are done spacing out, I'll collect your mugs and leave y'all to work."

There. Embarrassment escalated a notch higher. Great. Exactly what she needed.

"Um, we are almost done here, so you could sit with us for the rest of the time, Stella," Savannah offered.

"I could?"

"Of course."

Another thirty minutes brought them to the end of this conversation. She'd acquired all the necessary information and details. All she had to, as per priority, was to deem and scrutinize the kitchen staff tomorrow after the breakfast shift.

"Okay. We're done here. Thanks for coming here, Zac. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem. Come kiddo, let's go."

Stella led the way with Zac following her closely until he suddenly came to a stop.

He didn't know what possessed him but making sure Stella hadn't noticed, he turned around and walked back to where Savannah stood.

"Hi," he said.

"Um... hey?" It came out more like a question than a statement.

"I wanted to tell you something, actually."


He bent down so that his breath fanned her shoulders and she felt goosebumps break out through her skin as a pit formed in her stomach at his proximity.

"All I wanted to say was," he whispered in her ear, "you look really fucking cute when you blush, it's adorable how the shade changes from pale pink to pink to red." He moved away and smirked, inwardly smug seeing the pink tint make its way onto her cheeks.

"Hope you have a good day, Savannah," he said, as if he hadn't just transfixed her by voicing his thoughts.


Hello guys. I'm so sorry I couldn't update yesterday. I was feeling a little low. BTW, the Character Aesthetics for Brutal are up. Do go and check them. And read the book, too, if you haven't read it yet.

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Until next time...

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