𝑝𝑡. 2

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pt. 2
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Obviously he lied to Sunoo. At the moment Sunoo was stepping through the doors to his class, Sunghoon was swinging open the doors to a casino hidden away in the worst part of town. Though the area around it was run down, messy, and full of filth, this had to be the best part of the place. The clean (somewhat) casino, full of people rolling chips and dice. The smell of cigars filled his nose, plus the smell of some wack drugs he probably didn't even know the name of.

His brother, Jisung, stood beside him and slung his arm around his shoulder. " How come you wanted to go gambling? '

Sunghoon had a few ideas actually. " Extra money . ' He said bluntly, moving away from his arm. He didn't have the best relationship with his brother, but he tried to stick it out. Sunghoon slid into a leather seat in front of a table lined with green edging and white markings, with dice and chips in the middle. He narrowed his eyes.

Subconsciously he knew he was doing this for Sunoo, he wanted to buy him that book he really wanted the other day but had helped his dad pay some bills so he didn't have too much money left over. Plus it was money from savings, Sunoo couldn't work for a few months due to an injury.

An injury Sunghoon caused.

He winced at his own thoughts. The replay of the memory swirling around his head as he watched people push white and black chips up, trading them off and arguing. The memory came back to him as someone's large hand knocked over a pile of the chipped circles, his eyes recreating it as when he saw Sunoo got pushed into the side of his highschool and beat with a bag. Which was for associating with Sunghoon. He still never forgave himself for what happened, see Sunoo's arm put a sling, and bandages wrapped around his head and arms and legs as if he was some helpless animal.

He wanted to do at least something for the fox, he couldn't stand not to. His head perked up when he heard Jisung call his name and call him up to play. He gritted his teeth, staring across the long table at his rival, an old man with a curly mustache. " I'll start . ' Hoonie said firmly, holding the dice in his right hand, shaking it before releasing it onto the table.

Think of how happy he'd be when I get him a new sweatshirt and book.

He thought to himself, his heart twisting in an ache as he saw the losing numbers compared to his rival. Five hundred dollars he didn't have down the drain. He dragged his hand down his face before sitting up straight again. " Rematch . ' A fire burned inside of him.

" I have better things to do then watch a kid put himself in debt to me , ' The man laughed, earning sneaky laughs from around him.

Sunghoon slammed his fists against the table, his eyes widened. " Play with me , dammit . ' His voice got dangerously low, locking his dark eyes in with his rivals. Never in his life has Sunghoon wanted something more. He had so much to make up for the fox.

The male across from him raised his eyebrows, leaning forward on the table, spitting to the side. Sunghoon cringed in disgust at his carefree nature. " One more round then we're over , got that? '

" Got it . ' Sunghoon gulped down his fear, dealt cards and another pair of dice.

The man rolled first and picked obviously his best cards, face down he slid them up in the middle of the table. Everything depended on what those cards were. Everything. If he lost, he'd be a thousand dollars in debt and he had no way to make it up, most importantly he couldn't do the things he wanted for Sunoo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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