Pillar men x sick reader

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Request: It is me again because honestly I simp for your writing and stuff. 😳👉👈

But can I get some comfort with the bois because reader is sick. (Can it be gender neutral pronouns to plz if thats possible-) I am sick and I crave serotonin. 😁

I hope you get better soon! I know that being sick sucks big time.

It all started when they noticed that your body temperature was up a little bit this morning, but you seem fine so they didn't bother you about it. However, they did see that there were certain symptoms that still indicates that something was going on.


-He was the first person that saw you that morning because he spent the night in your room reading your books. He noticed how you were coughing a little bit while you were sleeping, so he got you a glass of water and sat you up in the bed. The water did help a little bit, but it did not stop the coughing. All the time you were getting getting out of bed and getting ready for the day your coughing got worse. He wanted you to stay in the bed, but you just shrugged him off saying that it was just a little cough. He rolled his eyes as he went back to reading knowing that arguing with you is pointless.


-As you were walking down the stair, he could sense that your body temperature was up a bit more than normal, but you seem fine for the most part beside the coughing anyways. He also noticed that you when you both were laying on the couch watching a movie, you were shivering a lot even though you were still warm and getting warmer. He picked you up and put you in his lap as he could to watch the movie. As much as you tried, you couldn't stay awake much longer as Esidisi's heat and comfortable body was very homey.


-He saw you much later during the day after your little nap. You were outside in the backyard attending to your garden. Usually, you were done with this very fast, but today he saw how you were going really slow today. He also noticed how it seemed that you had a hard time breathing as you were fixing your flowers and picking a few of the vegetable that were ripe enough. Worrying that you were going to pass out, he quickly sent you inside and gave you a glass out water as he went out to finish the work you were doing.


-He was the last to see you all day because he was sleeping most of the time, but what he saw he was not pleased with. You look like you have been through hell and back. He walked up to you lying on the couch and put his head on your cheek checking your temperature. His eyes widen slightly as he felt how hot you were. He jumped slightly as you quickly turned to your side and started coughing violently and you started to shake from the coldness you were feeling. He picked you up gently and made his way to your room where Kars was still there reading another book.

When you woke up, you felt horrible. Everything felt like it hot, but when you took off the covers you were hit with a sudden wave of cold air. You groaned and covered your eyes with your hands as the bed room light came on. You peek from behind your hands and saw all four pillar men looking at you worriedly except for Kars who had the "I told you so" expression on his face. Santana gently sat you up and handed you some medicine along with a glass of water. You weakly swallowed the pills as he propped some pillows behind you so you could seat up right. Esidisi then came over with a small bowl of soup and began to feed you. Wamuu uncovered your feet and began to massage them with great care and firmness. Kars knowing that he couldn't poke fun at you while you are in such a weak site, so he grabbed on of your favorite books that he has seen you read a lot, and started to read to you while Esidisi continue to feed you.

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