31. Chris

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New record for longest chapter. This one sits at about 2,300+ words to make up for my not updating for a couple of days 😭 It took me forever to write so I hope you enjoy!

Shout out to @lonely-b

I've been smiling all morning and I can't stop. The events of last night have completely taken over my brain space and I can hardly believe it actually happened.

Last night felt... different. There was a clear shift in Lizzie and my relationship and I'd gotten the exact same version of her that I fell in love with.

She was sweet and affectionate and loving. She held me, kissed me, watched me, loved me... and it was the first time that I was confident my feelings for her weren't one sided. There's no way she could've faked that emotion. I'm a professional actor and even I couldn't pull out a performance that convincing.

In a way, I owe it all to Mackie for planning Sebastian's housewarming party the same weekend Lizzie was visiting the city. The change of scenery was exactly what we needed to rebalance our relationship.

Whether that relationship was veering toward romantic or strictly platonic, I wasn't sure but the one thing I did know was that I could picture our life together, here in New York.

The longer I was in the city, the more I wouldn't mind staying here permanently. It was a happy medium between the vibes of Los Angeles and Boston. More importantly, it was where Lizzie would be. All she had to do was ask and I'd leave my life in California to be with her.

"You left awfully quick last night," Mackie smirked. "You missed the strippers."

"Strippers at housewarming party?" I raised an eyebrow, slowly sipping my beer.

Because I'd left Sebastian's party in such a rush, I extended my stay in New York an extra day so I could spend some more time with he and Mackie. Who knew how long it'd be until we were in the same city again!

"When I get married, you are NOT planning my bachelor party," Sebastian looked across the couch at Mackie. He then turned toward me. "Do you know how embarrassing it was to be bombarded by a group of strippers?"

"Kate was probably into it. She's beyond wild," I laughed at the thought of Lizzie's best friend tucking dollar bills into a stripper's bra. "The girl can have fun. If I didn't learn anything on this trip, I learned that."

"Have you ever..." Sebastian trailed off, covering his face with his beer. "With Kate?"

I practically spit out my drink. A blind man could see how beautiful Kate was but I'd never been sexually or romantically attracted to her in any way. "What on earth gave you that impression? And does Liza look like the kind of woman who would still hang around me if I even thought about her best friend in that way? She almost threw a fucking drink at me for calling Kate beautiful."

Sebastian's face turned red and he scratched the back of his neck. "It's just- I saw the pictures and she said something about a threesome and I-"

"I already heard enough from my publicist about those pictures," I scoffed.

For as long as I could remember, my publicist has been hounding me about my relationship with Lizzie. Elizabeth was the first woman I'd been publicly seen with and years and I wasn't exactly hiding from the paparazzi. I wined and dined her as often as I could when we were together. I didn't give a fuck about who saw us because I was proud to be seen with her.

There have been rumors about our relationship for over a year and I've always told my publicist not to comment. She wants to flat out deny them but I'd rather ignore it so it won't come back to bite me when Lizzie and I finally ended up together. We're endgame. I know it.

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