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charlie practically broke down the hospital door in his haste to see his daughter. when he saw the state she was in, he practically trembled in poorly restrained rage.

"god, mai! who the hell did this to you?" he fussed, rushing over and fiddling to make himself feel less useless.

'i'm fine, dad. i'd rather not talk about it right now,' she scribbled back hastily, not wanting to irritate him further. he was clearly freaking out, and the expression on his face broke her heart.

"it's good to see you again, charlie, though i wish it were under better circumstances," carlisle announced, reentering the room with a clipboard under his arm. charlie looked up with fire in his eyes.

"how bad is she hurt? and who did it?" maisie was a little irked that he talked about her like she wasn't there, but considering she couldn't speak, she let it slide.

carlisle sighed. "there is fairly severe bruising on her windpipe and her vocal cords are irritated. two broken ribs, and another bruised one. besides that it's just bruising along her abdomen and throat. we can wrap her ribs and recommend some teas for her throat, but there's nothing else we can do. it'll have to heal naturally."

maisie inhaled sharply and flinched when it pained her throat. how had that boy been so strong? surely this wasn't normal.

"i'm going to ask one more time: who. hurt. my. daughter?" charlie sneered.

"i'm afraid it was one of my sons-" charlie was off.

"give me the name, i'm pulling him out of class and taking him down to the station."

carlisle sighed once again. "edward."

charlie nodded and pressed a kiss to maisie's head, rushing out of the room moments later.

carlisle looked down at the injured girl sadly. why would edward hurt her? and who was bella?


the kings were getting restless. caius had been drawing the girl over and over and over again, his bedroom was full of portraits of the young beauty. her standing between them in a ball gown, sleeping in their arms, and his personal favorite, one of her lounging in the gardens. the sun shimmered on her delightfully human skin, smile bright as she gazed at the wild flowers around her. there were problems, of course, the main one being that they had no clue what color her eyes were. so he kept them carefully blank, deciding to go back when he got his next vision and fill them in.

aro's normally sadistic smile had turned gleeful, and the guard was terrified. his words held a joy that had never been heard by any of their clan before. felix swore he saw aro skipping down the halls one day.

marcus' time in the library lengthened exponentially. he spent hours upon hours researching the mate bond and things to expect. he was relentless. he would be perfect for the girl he couldn't get out of his head.

they were in the drawing room when the next vision came.

the same girl, this time with her hair pulled back by a thick, emerald green headband sat in what looked like a classroom. her red hair cascaded around her face and down her shoulders. she looked up to steal a glance at the board, and they got their first view of her face in good lighting. a light spattering of freckles covered her cheeks and nose. her tongue peeled out of her lips as she focused, and thick brows furrowed slightly in concentration. they had been right about her body as well. she was definitely short, but her hips stretched the sides of the skirt she wore and her chest pushed against the front of her sweater. deliciously plush thighs were crossed over each other beneath her desk. most startling, though, was her eyes. they were an unearthly gray, almost silver, with specks of golden brown and blue speckled throughout.

she was beautiful.

snapping out of their trance, caius took in an unnecessary breath and sped off to his room.

he could paint her eyes.

Bright Eyed QueenWhere stories live. Discover now