"You have lipstick on your lips' ' I laugh.

"Fuck" he begins rubbing vigrously to remove the lipstick from his lips.

"Noelani, why is it not coming off?" he rushes to the bathroom, grabbing a makeup wipe.

"Its red plus its liquid lipstick" I laugh.

"C'mon we gotta go" I laughed walking out of the room.

mission :

"He's in the building, in the VIP booth behind the bouncers" Silvio says through the small earpiece that he had made for me.

"Thank you" I started to walk towards the bouncers, swaying my hips, adjusting the top of the dress.

"can I talk Julio Mendez please" I say with the most flirty tone I can pull off.

"Sorry sweetheart, but no can do" he says, staring blankly at me.

"Let her in" says a deep voice.

"Thank you," I say to the bouncer.

Julio Mendez is a tall older man, maybe around 47? with brown hair and eyes, his hair is slicked back and he is wearing a shirt with a few undone buttons revealing his chest and some black slacks and matching leather loafers .

"Baby, you look fucking amazing" says Julio holding holing my hand ans leaving a long overdue kiss on the back of it .

"I'm going to break his fingers one by one," says Silvio through the earpiece.

I ignore what he says and sit next to Julio and smile.

"What's your name,baby?" says Julio, he may look attractive but when you sit next to him he sticks of alcohol and cigars and not an attractive scent of it.

"What's your name baby?" SIlvio mocks.

"Sally," I whisper seductively.

"What a beautiful name" he takes a gulp of his drink.

"Thank you" Silvio's sighs and possessive growls fill my ears. Which is only turning me on even more than It should be doing.

"So Sally, what do you do for a living?" says Julio, grabbing my hand and rubbing my knuckles and leaning closer to me with every rub.

"Watch when I get a hold of you, I'm going to bend you over the table and show you who you belong to....Me" SIlvio warns.

"You do realise I can hear you guys, especially your horny, possessive self. Silvio." Says Leonardo.

"You just fucking jelouse, you havent fuck a girl in 2 week" SIlvio says to him.

" fuck you, some people don't need to fuck daily" Leo continues to arugue with SIlvio for 10 minuets more.

"What did I miss?" Antonio asks.

"Just Silvio getting very horny and possessive," says Pero.

I clear my throat "I'm still here" I say to them so they can hear me through the ear piece , gaining the attention of Julio.

"Sorry darling, what was that?" he asked politely.

"Oh I was saying we should take this to your room" I say as I begin rubbing his arm slowly, keeping eye contact and slowly leaning to his neck leaving a soft light kiss on it.

"Mendez, get the car ready NOW" Julio orders, Mendez is tall but not as tall as Silvio, he has hazel eyes and slicked back dark brown hair. He's wearing a black shirt with the first 3 buttons undone with a matching black slacks and a suit jacket and has 2 glocks tucked behind his jacket.

"OMG, you're beautiful" I say to Mendez just to piss SIlvio off more.

"Noelani, Fucking say that one more time and you will be punished. Hard." Silvio says, almost shouting it.

"Thank you, darling," Mendez says.

"Is he your son?" I turn my attention to Julio and ask.

"Yes he is beautiful" Julio says leaving a kiss on the back of my hand, his hungry eyes eying up my very exposed boobs in this dress.

"He must get it from his father then because you both are absolutely beautiful" I say walking toward the SUV, ready to take me to his room, which means I can get the information I need to complete this mission.

Once we arrive at the hotel room, I quickly excuse myself to the bathroom to speak to the boys. Turning on the tap so Julio cannot hear me communicate with anyone.

" Step one- find out how he knows about you drug shipment .. correct step two- kill him" i begins slightly laughing at the last step because I know for a fact I just made that up.

" The 1st one is correct, but dont kill him," says Antonio.

"I think we should chop his head off clean, and I volunteer as tribute," Silvio says eagerly.

"Huh?" Leo says blankly.

"Hunger games?" Silvio questions.

"HUH?" Pero says.

"You two need to educate yourself, quickly" Silvio sighs.

"I bet fucking Noelani hooked you onto that, didn't she?" Leo moans.

"Hell yeah I fucking did, right leave him alive got it. Bye" I exit the bathroom making sure I turn the taps off.

"Get on the bed" I ordered.

"Yes ma'am " He gets in the bed but not before he strips down into his pants, which I can blatantly see a wet patch on them where he's already cummed in his pants while being with me.

I take out the handcuffs from my purse and hook him to the bed and bagin straddling him.

"Awww baby, you're into the kinky stuff. I like it" he moans.

I grab the knives that Silvio gifted me from my leg strap and hold it against his throat. "How the fuck did you know when the Italians had there shipment" I ask pressing my knife aagaint his neck harder, cutting the skin leaving a little trace of blood.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" he cries .

"Answer the damn question" I say, his eyes show a fear in them which indicates he will spill the information.


I grab my knife and run it across his neck, blood splattering across my face and hands.Leaving me with a Question I want to know.

What the fuck does he mean Russains? 

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating I was supposed to upload and finish this a week ago but I have been busy.

I will try and upload daily from now on sorry :0





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