🤍Friend zoned?🤍

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(I'm still figuring out the screen record so the video will have to wait)

"And what do you want me to do about this?" Kamasaki said to his ace. "You've been in love with him for like a whole year now. Maybe you should ask Moniwa for advice." Kamasaki was talking to his lower classmen Futakuchi about Aone. They might seem that they don't like each other, but Futakuchi thinks that Kamasaki is a great person to vent to. Get advice from? Not so much.

"Well... he can't be as bad as you," Futakuchi said, getting up from their sitting position.

"You. Came. To me. Boi- just go talk to Moniwa about your undying love for Aone," Kamasaki announced loudly.

 "Oh my god! Shut up!" Futakuchi whispered yelled. "Ugh. Whatever. I'm going to find Moniwa before lunch ends. It was okay talking to you. I guess..." with that Futakuchi leaves his upperclassmen to find his other upperclassmen. Since he was already in the 3rd year hall, it didn't take long to find Moniwa. "Moniwa-san," Futakuchi said from the doorway, calling him over with the wave of his hand. Moniwa excused himself from his group of friends, and he walked over to one of his favorite children.

"You need something, Futakuchi?" Moniwa asked.

"Well... yes actually," Futakuchi told him. His relaxed persona is turning to a shy one.

"What is it?" Moniwa asked, placing one of his hands on Futakuchi's shoulder. Futakuchi gave an embarrassed small smile. "Is it Aone?" Futakuchi lightly nodded his head.

"I- I just don't know what to do. I flirt. I'm clingy. I'm totally coming on to him. He's just too dense!" Futakuchi was practically pulling his hair out of his head.

"Have you told him straight up that you like him?" Moniwa asked.

"Yes! He was as dense as ever," Futakuchi faced palmed. "I don't understand. Is he just plain stupid? Probably... BUT! I'm in love with him, so I'm either going to confess just to get rejected or have a boyfriend. At this point I really don't care I just Have. To. Get. It. Off. My. Chest." Futakuchi said desperately.

"Why don't you tell him you love him straight up?" Moniwa suggested.

"I already di-" Futakuchi started but was quickly cut off by Moniwa.

"Nononono. You said you told him you like him. I said to tell him that you love him. Maybe he'll finally understand," Moniwa said, giving Futakuchi some hope.

"If you say so~" Futakuchi waved goodbye to his upperclassmen, leaving him to finish his lunch.

(Time skip to after practice)

Futakuchi and Aone were in the storage closet while everyone else was already getting change in the locker room. Futakuchi thought this was the perfect time to confess.

{Futakuchi POV}

Iamsosososnervous. I can do this! Come on Futakuchi! You got this. "A-Aone?" Ew. I sound like a bitch.

"Yes, Futakuchi?" Aone asked in his normal monotone voice that I love. He was still sorting some shelves. He wasn't paying any attention to me.

"Aone," I said, grabbing his arm. As I said to Moniwa, I'm a clingy person. But I'm clingy to everyone, so I'm pretty sure Aone thinks I do it to everyone platonically.

"Yes, Futakuchi?" he asked me again, looking down on me. Lord have mercy on me! Just do it Futakuchi!

"I love you!" I shouted out of embarrassment.

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