💛Jealous Tsukki💚

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"Lift up your arm just a little more, so now you can get the ball high enough." Kinoshita said to Yamaguchi. If you weren't paying attention you wouldn't have noticed the small taps that Kinoshita gave Yamaguchi for corrections. But Tsukishima was paying very close to the two making sure that they didn't get too close. Kinoshita and Yamaguchi were totally aware of it. And they were also going to use this.

"You don't have to look so serious. Hahaha!" Kinoshita told Yamaguchi.

"Hahah. Sorry. Hahaha *snort*," Yamaguchi and Kinoshita looked at each other then bursted in to laughter.

"Ok, okay we got to prefect this jump serve," kinoshita said.

"Ok kinoshita senpai," Yamaguchi said with a over the top smile.

'What is he smiling so much about? And what was all that laughing? All he said what's that Yams looked serious. Does Yams think he's that funny?' Tsukishima was pulled out of his thoughts by them again.

"Nice serve, Yams!" Kinoshita said when Yamaguchi landed a jump serve.

"Thank you, Kinoshita senpai," Yamaguchi said, handing him the next ball. There hands barely touched but Tsukishima- Tsukishima noticed it. And it's made him feel something he's never felt before. Pure jealousy.

"Did he- did he just call him Yams? Oh no! Oh no no no nononon! And also I could have sworn their hands just touched. He's been touching a lot. Like when Kinoshita pats his back when he does a good serve. Or his elbow to correct him. Why is he letting him do that!?' Tsukishima was pulled out of his thoughts once again, but this time by there captain.

"Ok guys, practice is over. Start to pick up," Daichi said making it very clear on what was happening and what to do. So that's what everyone did. Usually at this time Yamaguchi would run over to Tsukishima, and tell him how practice went. But this time he stayed with Kinoshita picking up all the balls they used to serve.

Yamaguchi's POV

The whole practice I've been trying to make Tsukki jealous with the help of Kinoshita. I don't know if it's been working or not, but I really hope it has. Me and Tsukki have been dating since middle school and I still have yet to see him jealous. I just finished putting up all the balls with Kinoshita, so now it's time to walk home with Tsukki. I walk around the gym a little looking for Tsukki. I don't see him. He was practicing with Hinata and Kageyama.

Maybe they know where he is, so I walked up to them and asked, "Hey guys! Do you know were Tsukki is?"

"Hi Yamaguchi!" Hinata started

" I think he already left," Kageyama finished. We both know that Hinata wouldn't have gotten to the poin- wait- Tsukki left with out me? I left after saying a quick goodbye to the two. I ran outside looking for my blonde hair boyfriend.

"Where is he?" I think out loud right before I spot him across the street. "Tsukki!" I yelled running be hind him. Then I grabbed his hand and looked up to him and asked, "Why did you leave without me?" That's when I realized that he had his head phones on. Tsukki only wears his head phones when he doesn't want people talking to him. Does he not want me talking to him? " Tsukki?" I said as I slowly pulled down his head phones.

"Don't do that Yamaguchi!" He yelled pulling back up his head phones. Yamaguchi? What the hell. I am Yams to him. I need to know what's wrong. I got to take of those headphones of his again.

"Tsukki?" I repeated. Pulling down his head phones once again.

"Stop!" Tsukki yelled again pulling up his headphones and accidentally hitting my hand in the process.

"Ow," I said softly shaking my hand. I did think he noticed until.

"Oh my god Yams baby are you okay? I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." Suddenly Tsukki was on his knees examining hand and rubbing it.

"I-it's fi-fine Tsukki," I said. Thank god it was getting dark because I was probably a blushing mess.

"No. No. I am so sorry for acting like that baby. I shouldn't have. It was so selfish of me," Tsukki said. Why was Tsukki acting like that?

"Why were you acting like that Tsukki?" I asked not wanting there to be any misunderstandings.

"I- I was j~—__..." huh?

"Your mumbling? What did you say?" I asked him.

"I WAS JEALOUS! I was jealous ok? Haha," tsukki laughed but it wasn't filled with happiness. I just kinda stood there in shock. Tsukki stood up with both of my hands in his and was kinda playing with them. "You looked so happy with Kinoshita-san I thought maybe you started to like him instead. I was mad. Mad at him for making you laugh like that and touching you. Mad at you for not saying anything. And most of all mad at my self for just letting it happe-" I cut of Tsukki with a kiss.

"I am so sorry. I did it on purpose. All of it. We knew you were paying attention I am so sorry," I said. I didn't know he would act like this.

Tsukki let out a breath I didn't even know he was holding. "Thank god!" Huh. Tsukki then lays down IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDE WALK and says, " I thought I was going to loose you Yams." Wow. I love this man.

"You never will Tsukki." I said with a chuckle.

Tsukki then hold out his pinky and said, "promise?"

"Promise," I said interlocking our pinky's. We swore to never brake a pinky promise. Guess I am going to marry this man.

"Ok help me up so we can go home and cuddle," he said.

"Your coming over?" I said confused because we didn't make any plans. Tsukki then quickly took off he's phone and it look like he sent a quick text.

Then he put his phone back in his pocket and said, " Now I am," before planting a kiss on my lips.

Yup I am definitely marrying this man.

Work count:1040

Requested by HAIKYU FAN on YouTube.

Hope you enjoyed.💕


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