-Well. Says Sam

As Freddie leaves, Sam looks at him very closely, noticing the scars and barely visible bruises under his eye and wondering where they came from, but as he literally notices his clothes and other things, he begins to guess what happened. He chooses some clothes without even thinking about it and goes down to the kitchen.

-It's good that you changed so quickly, because we have to go. Says Freddie

Freddie and Sam get out and get into the car. In the car while driving, Sam decides to ask what happened to Freddie.

-Freddie, what happened to you? Sam asks worried

-What are you talking about? Confused Freddie asks-About your scar under your eye. Sam replies

-While walking on the sidewalk, I caught on a badly placed ankle and fell. Freddie is lying to her

-And where did you get my stuff? Sam asks

-This is not your stuff, I just bought them at the store. Freddie is lying

-I can recognize your belongings and I know you didn't buy them because some of them have stains that I know even when they appeared and now tell me all about where you got these clothes and why you have a black eye and other scars. Sam asks in a worried voice

- All right Melanie helped me and I took all your stuff from your house. Freddie is telling

-And what did Pam say to that? Sam asks

-He doesn't even know it. He tries to lie to Freddie again

-I don't believe you, please tell me the truth about what happened there today. She pleads with Sam, not believing Freddie

-Well, I can't lie to you. I called Melanie to help me with your stuff and Pam came out as we were taking the last things out of the room. Says Freddie

-And what did she do to you? Sam interrupts him

-Yes, I told her I called Melanie to ask her if she wanted me to give her a ride and she asked me to help with your belongings because she wanted to sell them, then your mom asked why Melanie wanted to sell them so I replied that she heard Pam say dreaming about you and your clothes and wanted to earn some extra money, then seeing what was up I sent Melanie to the car and that's when Pam said that she didn't believe me so she threw her at me but I pushed her away after a few seconds and told me that I was telling the truth and let me be fine She did because Melanie wasn't going to be happy about it, so she said she would give me a break and she would pick up the money for Melanie so I gave her a few bucks for the detachment and said it had to be enough for her and that she wouldn't ask Melanie for anything else. And then she finally believed me and agreed. Freddie is telling

-How much did you give her? Sam asks

-It doesn't matter, the most important thing is we have your stuff and she won't even think you're at my place. Says Freddie

-But Freddie will give you this money if I don't even know how much it is. Sad Sam says

-Listen, you don't have to return anything, treat it as payment for help with the garage. Says Freddie

-And so much you have done for me, you let me live with you, you bandaged me, you help me with my lessons all the time and now you put yourself at risk for me, how will I repay you? Asks a worried Sam looking into Freddie's eyes

-Everything is fine for friends everything and for me the best thank you is your smile so don't worry and smile everything will be fine . He asks Freddie

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