Witch wars

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[Scene: Underworld. "Witch Wars" studio. The "Witch Wars" logo flashes up on the TV screen and still images of Pandora, Piper, Phoebe and Paige.]

Corr: (voice over) Welcome back to Witch Wars. Tonight on a very special episode, you'll see the ultimate battle when the Game Masters themselves take on, not just any witches, but the legendary Charmed Ones.

(Corr shimmers into the studio and faces the camera.)

Corr: It'll be winner takes all, and we will take all. Their lives, their powers, and last but not least, their progeny.

("12 hours earlier" shows up on the screen in flaming letters.)

[Scene: Magic School. Great Hall. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are sitting at a table. Pandora and Chris walk in.]

Piper: Sorry I'm late. I'm not moving real fast these days. Are you sure you don't want to be born anytime soon already?

Chris: Don't be in such a hurry.

Phoebe: Okay, I hate to rush things, but what do we say we get this family meeting started, huh?

Piper: You know, you could cut back on those triple lattes a little bit.

Paige: Hey, where's Leo?

Gideon: He's on the witch killer path, which you all should be focusing on as well.

Phoebe: We actually have bigger things to deal with, Gideon. Like trying to figure out who's after Wyatt. And I think I might have an angle on that.

Paige: You found the demon?

Phoebe: It may not be a demon. Look, we've relied on magic all this time and it's gotten us nowhere. And since I can't rely on my premonitions to help, I've had to resort to statistics.

Pandora: Statistics?

Phoebe: Yes. Did you know that fifty percent of violent crimes are perpetrated by someone the victim knew. So don't you see? Whoever turns Wyatt evil might actually be someone we know or even care about.

Gideon: A mortal? Impossible.

Phoebe: Really? Because the crime reporter at the newspaper said that it's usually someone you least expect.

Pandora: Alright, now you're making me nervous.

Gideon: Phoebe. (He slams a book shut.) This theory might make some sense in the lives of normal people but you aren't normal people. There's an entire underworld of demons out there who want you dead and today is no exception, which brings me back to the witch killer.

Chris: Hold on. Phoebe's onto something here. I mean, we've practically over turned every demonic stone, right? I mean, at least this is something new.

Gideon: I don't believe this. Someone is killing witches, possibly as we speak. How is that not your only priority?

Chris: Because we're running out of time, that's why.

Pandora: What do you mean? Why?

Chris: I should've told you sooner.

Piper: Told us what?

Chris: What happens to Wyatt happens before I'm born.

Paige: What?

Phoebe: And you're just telling us this now?

Chris: I thought I'd given myself enough time. I'm so sorry.

Gideon: Then how do we know that this witch killer isn't the one that's after Wyatt? Given this new information it seems to time out properly.

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