A wrong day's Journey into right

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[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is laying on a couch and Piper and Paige are standing in front of a pin board with all bits and pieces pinned to it.]

Paige: Come on, I know we can figure this out.

Phoebe: You've been saying that for three weeks now.

Paige: Lady, can I get a little help over here, please?

Phoebe: Okay, but you don't have to yell at me, I feel bad enough as it is.

Piper: Look, it's not your fault that the demon is one step ahead of us.

Phoebe: Yeah, but if I hadn't lost my powers, we would have found him by now.

Paige: Well, you did, so we just have to keep doing what we're doing.

Phoebe: You mean what you've been doing, which is pretty much everything around here. You two are like the last sisters standing. I don't know how you're doing it.

Paige: I've just been taking lots of naps.

Phoebe: Yeah, I've noticed. (Phoebe stands up.) You know, part of me just thinks we should let him do his thing, you know. I mean, a demon killing other demons. Is that so bad?

Piper: Well, it is when we don't know who it is or why they're doing it. You know, it could be some sort of power base coming along to take us on.

Phoebe: Yeah. Should we get Pandora out of magic school?

Paige: No, she's safe there, she stays.

Phoebe: There's just no rhyme or reason to his attacks, you know. They're just wacky.

Paige: My gut says he's gonna go after the Smoker demons tonight.

Piper: Why?

Paige: Because Mercury is in retrograde and that is when they surface.

Phoebe: That's an interesting theory.

Paige: Yeah, well, all I know is that the sooner we nail this guy, the sooner I get back to my naps.

[Scene: Church. A Father is there. Two Smoker demons appear in the room. Then two blonde women wearing skimpy leather outfits appear in front of them. They each throw a potion at the Smoker demons and vanquish them.]

Father: Dear god.

Woman: Not quite. Guess again. Run!

(The Father runs away.)

Woman #2: Potions worked pretty well. But I still don't know why we didn't use it on the old man instead.

Woman: Because we were told not to. Now let's get out of here before... (Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in.) They show up.

Paige: Nuns?

(The women pull out throwing star weapons.)

Phoebe: I don't think so.

(One of the women throws the star at Paige and Paige orbs out. The other woman throws the star at Piper and Phoebe and they dive onto the floor. Paige orbs back in. They throw another weapon.)

Paige: Weapon thingy!

(The weapon orbs back to Woman #1 and vanquishes her. Woman #2 disappears. Paige helps Phoebe and Piper up.)

Phoebe: Thanks for saving my life again.

Paige: Yeah, no problem. Uh, well, at least we got a good look at who's behind this. And better yet... (She picks up a star weapon.) A clue to find them.

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