Spin city

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[Scene: P4. It's dark. Chris is sitting at the bar reading his future with tarot cards. He flips over the judgment card and sighs. The lights turn on in the room and a guy walks down the stairs.]

Chris: Dennis, what are you doing here?

Dennis: I work here, remember?

Chris: No, I know, I mean, what are you doing here so early?

Dennis: Pandora called. Wanted me to set up for the band.

Chris: Pandora called? From where, the doctors?

Dennis: I don't know, maybe. Is something wrong? Is she okay?

Chris: Yeah, it's just a regular check up for the baby, I'm sure everything's fine.

Dennis: You mind if I ask you a question?

Chris: Sure.

Dennis: You know Pandora pretty well, don't you? I mean, you guys seem close.

Chris: Yeah, real close.

Dennis: What's the deal with the ex of hers, Leo? Dude gets her pregnant, right? Then what, just skips town on her? I mean, what's up with that?

Chris: It's a long story.

Dennis: As far as I'm concerned, she deserves a hell of a lot better.

Chris: Couldn't agree with you more.

[Scene: Doctors Surgery. Hallway. Piper, Pandora and Paige are standing by the elevator doors with about five people frozen behind them.]

Paige: Are you hormonal or just plain crazy?

Pandora: One woman can only take so much.

Paige: Okay, if these people walk out of their offices, what do you think they're gonna see?

Pandora: Well, I think they won't be touching my stomach anymore, that's what I think.

Paige: Pandora, that is not a good enough reason to have Piper freeze people.

Piper: I think it is.

(The elevator doors open. Piper unfreezes the people and walks in it. A lady that was standing behind Pandora stumbles forward. Paige catches her.)

Paige: It's okay, it's okay, we all just get a little vertigo sometimes. (Paige gets in the elevator with Piper and Pandora.) No wonder Chris grows up to be such a neurotic little freak. (The elevator doors close.) So you excited?

Pandora: About what?

Paige: About what the doctor said. That it's gonna be a healthy baby.

Pandora: Well, I know he's healthy. I've seen him twenty-two and walking around.

Piper: Well, you never know, something could happen.

Pandora: Oh, don't be such a worry wart. Now you're starting to sound like...

(Chris orbs in.)

Chris: Hey.

Piper: Chris.

Paige: Okay, if this is about demons, I don't wanna hear it, 'cause I am on my lunch break.

Chris: No, no, no, I just wanted to know how it went with the doctor.

Pandora: Well, you'll be happy to know that you're a boy.

(Pandora holds up an ultrasound picture.)

Chris: That's not what I meant.

Paige: I don't see it.

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