seventy three || rockstar

Start from the beginning

I looked down at the shirt I was wearing, seeing the flowers all across it. I reached for the bottom hem, threatening to take it off knowing damn well we both were aware I had nothing on under it. "You want it?" I questioned jokingly.

"No, knock it off" he stopped me, rising out his mouth before continuing. "I'll make the cereal differently."

I laughed as he broke into a smile, spitting out the last of the water in his mouth before walking towards the door. I hopped off the counter, leaning over the sink to rinse out my mouth as he disappeared.

I'd always assumed he was a morning person. I mean he was always gone when I'd woke up, and if not he was always at least awake just waiting for me to wake up. The energy he had this early in the morning was enviable, but I just had to try to keep up with him right now.

And I knew it would take a lot more energy than I thought when I heard the sound of the record player.

I walked slowly around the corner, watching as he lightly set the needle down again to find the right part of the song.

I'm through with standing in line
to clubs I'll never get in
It's like the bottom of the ninth,
and I'm never gonna win
This life hasn't turned out quite
the way I want it to be

The words slowly filled the room, making me shake my head from how upbeat it sounded.

"Ash, it is way too early for Nickelback," I told him as I stepped back into the room.

He spun around at my sudden presence, shaking his head. "It is never too early for Nickelback."

"It's always too early for Nickelback," I told him as I rubbed my eyes again.

I looked back over to him when he didn't respond, seeing the look of utter confusion on his face. "What did you just say?" he asked, slowly looking back over to me.

I could see I struck myself another fight, and it was way too early in the morning for me to try to tussle my way out of his wrestling moves.

"Nothing," I started slowly, watching the smile toy on his lips as mine pulled to match.

I'll need a credit card that's got no limit
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
Gonna join the mile high club at 37, 000 feet

He slowly stepped towards me, making me step back to keep enough distance between us for when he'd start inevitably chasing me. "No, I thought I heard you say something about-"

"I said no such thing," I cut him off, trying to contain my laughter like this was a serious conversation. "I would never say that."

He stopped again, letting out a laugh quick before going back to serious for our 'fight'. "Give me the shirt."

I froze for a second, looking for my exit plan. "What?" I asked, pretending to not hear to buy myself time.

"Give me-" he started to repeat it again, suddenly taking off towards me to catch me before I ran. "-the shirt."

I playfully screamed before running. My only options were towards the closet- where he could easily catch me- or over the bed. So over the bed I went.

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