Chapter 1. ✨✨

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Harry's POV

Today was the day Me, Hermione, and Ron were going back to school for our fifth year.  We got on the train and put our trunks above the seats. We sat on the flush red seats made of leather.    I  looked out the window anxious to get back to the school. "Harry are you alright," Hermione asked as she looked to study my face. I looked at her and responded," I'm alright just worried what the year holds."  Ron came in with a load of sweets he got from the trolley. 

The Hogwarts express arrived at school, we grabbed our trunks and left for the carriages.  Together we were taken to the castle by the carriages and to only be greeted by none other than Draco Malfoy.  "Look what we have here, Pottah having trouble again." Draco told Harry.   "Shove off Malfoy." Ron said as he looked directly at Malfoy, his fists clenched.  "What are you going to do duel me with your hand me down wand, I'd like to see you try weaslebee." Draco Sneered making other Slytherins around him laugh. "C'mon Guys he isn't worth it," piped Hermione.

  With that they left into the great hall to watch the sittings and then eat, after they ate they left up into their common room. We went our separate ways into the dorms and went to bed. The next day we had classes after breakfast, I had eggs and bacon with a biscuit. Hermione came over and looked at me, I looked at her and saw the chain of what looked like a necklace but it wasn't. "What's around your neck, is that the time turner?" Ron asked before I could. "Yes it is," Hermione replied.
" Can we look at it?" I asked. Hermione looked at me, "after classes you can." She responded. 

  The day went by fast and I met with Ron and Hermione outside by the lake. "You know we can't use this right?" She told us.  "Yeah I know, but I just want to see it." I told her. She gave in quickly and looked at me, reluctantly she handed it to me.   I looked around the hourglass figure and I handed it to Ron for him to look at.

    He took the time turner in his hand and flipped it over to see the dials on the object.  "How do you go back in time exactly?" He asked Hermione. She looked at him with a glare,"I'm not telling you so you can go off and use it, I won't tell you." Ron just shrugged and was going to hand it back to her. He accidentally pressed a button and frantically looked at Germaine for help. "What do I do her Hermione!!" Ron said frantically his eyes wide and voice filled with panic.

  Hermione furiously looked at Ron," YOU IDIOT YOU JUST PRESSED THE BUTTON FOR IT TO WORK!!" She yelled out.  She grabbed Ron's arm and put a hand on my shoulder and the time turner began to spin in a circle and a bright light was coming from it.

  We appeared in a hallway that looked exactly like the one we use to get to the Gryffindor common room.  We heard yelling and turned around, "do you know how far we went back?" Hermione asked Ron. He turned it to look at the dial and his is went wide and is breathing struggling from the panic. "It says 1977" he said a look of fear on his face and you could hear it in his voice.

  The voices we heard earlier were getting closer.  "JAMES POTTER! SIRIUS BLACK YOU BETTER GET BACK HEAR NOW." We heard a voice of what sounded like a professor. "Sorry Minnie but we have things to do and we're trying to not get caught!" One of the boys said. They ran down the hall and saw us. They pulled us with them into the Gryffindor common room. 

  "What did you do that for?" Hermione said and looked at the boy. "You didn't want to get caught now did you, anyways what are your names." The boy with curly brown hair asks.  "Hermione Granger, that's Ron and that's Harry." She said pointing to us as she said our names.  "Who are you?"

The boys seem taken back by her question as they looked at her,"you don't know us, we're the most known in the school." The one that was semi-tall with long black hair had said.  The boy with curly hair and round glasses like mine continued to talk,"Anyways he continued, I'm James potter and that is Sirius Black."

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