"Rita didn't give us an address... but it does have a workplace. However, it's a chain type store, so there's four locations," Paxton explains. "We could all split up?"

"Pass," Lexi calls. "Renato and I are the only ones who know Spanish and I don't want anyone putting their grimy hands on my Amari."

I nod in agreement, because I don't want to navigate Argentina on my own. I grab Lexi's hand and we say that he and I will search two of the locations and Paxton and Renato can do the other two, but Paxton shakes his head.

"Lexi will drag you somewhere to fuck him," Paxton says. "Brat, you're with me. Renato, Amari, you're together."

Lexi huffs and stomps to Paxton's side.

I join Renato and he shakes my hand like he's Lexi's dad and just gave me his blessing.

"Shall we?" Renato asks, and I follow him toward the first location. "The sooner we find him, the easier it will be. Then again, there is a chance he does not work today."

"Let's just stay positive," I say, opening the door to the small restaurant where he works and we are shown to a table.

Renato laughs. "It would appear that the optimists are partnered together today," he says, pointing out how we are the the positive people in each of our pairings. "Ah! We are in luck."

Our waiter appears and I sigh in relief, as our waiter is none other than the boy we are looking for. I almost with that Lexi and Paxton had found him and not us, because they are both probably livid right now that they're not with their soulmates. Plus, Lexi doesn't like being sweaty unless it's for sex, and it's hot as hell here.

"Americans?" Santiago asks in accented English. "I speak English. What would you like to eat?"

He's polite; that's a good start.

"We were actually looking for you, Mr. Romero," Renato says kindly. "We have a proposition for you."

Santiago narrows his eyes. "I apologize, but I misunderstand you. A proposition?"

"Yes," Renato says, pulling a small gold bar out of his pocket. "I think it would benefit you, Mr. Romero. We have seen your art works and we are very fascinated."

I feel bad that Santiago lights up so much. Due to of all of Rita's work on holding up her end of the bargain, we have a lot of information on Santiago, and he is an aspiring artist and has wealthy parents. I'm not sure why he works with how wealthy his parents are, but it's not my business.

"I would be honored to meet with you," Santiago says nearly glowing with excitement.

Renato nods. "We cannot meet here, though. With what I carry around monetary-wise, I prefer to keep my conversations private."

Santiago is much too excited to want to argue, so he follows us outside of the building and into the empty building where Alastor is waiting for us, currently hidden so that he does not spook Santiago.

I send a quick text to Lexi and let him know our situation, and he sends back a series of provocative texts and emojis, before declaring they will meet with us.

"I wonder, what is your proposition?" Santiago asks, looking around the room curiously. "This is a rather strange building to meet in."

Renato frowns. "I apologize, but we lied to you."

Santiago backs away. "What does that mean?"

"It means, I am a demon and he is a vampire," I say, and Santiago seems caught between fear and confusion. "You are the soulmate to a certain vampire, and bringing you to him will bring peace."

"Prove it," Santiago says, crossing his arms. "Or I will run and send my father's guards after you."

Telling us he plans to run is not really good for him to do, because he's smaller than both myself and Renato.

Renato opens his mouth and shows off his elongating fangs, and Santiago's eyes widen. At the same time, I feel a gust of wind and Lexi flies in, clinging onto my back and wrapping his wings around me.

"Proven," he purrs, kissing my neck and winking at Santiago. "Can we go now? I want to go home."

Santiago attempts to run, but Alastor decides he is going to make an appearance and grips the back of the boy's neck.

"Let go!" he screams, struggling in Alastor's grasp, but it takes more than screaming to get the lord of Hell to let go.

We're all friends with Alastor and he still is stubborn as fuck unless he's being bossed around by Gabriel.

"I am annoyed by his screams," Alastor says.

Paxton takes Santiago from his grip. "I do not know what you want me to do with him, Master. I'm not going to knock him out."

"He's Roman's soulmate," Lexi mumbles, still clinging onto me in his demon's form.

Santiago is crying at this point, and it's sad because he is young and we are pulling him away from his life here. When Paxton grabs his arms to stop him hitting and kicking, I see bruises on his biceps.

"What are those from?" I ask, and Santiago looks at his arms and then at me. "Did someone harm you?"

Lexi looks as well. "Come on, tell us!" he snarls, and I shrug him off my back. "Amari!"

"Be nice, Lexi," I scold, and he growls but shifts back to his fully human form.

Alastor brings us through the portal and then to the mansion, and Santiago has gone silent from shock. His eyes keep flitting to his arms and the finger sized bruises there.

"Would you like me to go with you to see Roman?" Alastor asks.

Paxton shakes his head. "We won't bring him down until later, and I think Gabriel misses you."

Alastor seems grateful. "Have a nice evening. Let me know if there are issues."

Lexi and I stay in the living room, keeping an eye on Santiago, and even though he seems terrified, I see a bit of hope in his eyes. He must have had it harder at home than he lets on, and there's part of me that feels as though we saved him.

I hope I'm right.

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