Chapter 5 - Bad News

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"Well just FUCK OFF." Tate yelled at our dad. Mama was on the couch crying. Bailee was holding onto her. "I can't fucking take this." Tate said bumping past our dad. I saw our fathers rage go up higher. I know what Tate was going to do. Drink his sorrows. He was about to walk past me when I grabbed him. "Let go of me Bo." Tate growled looking at me.

"Calm down Tate. Let's go talk outside." I said trying to calm him but his slapped my arm away.

"Move out of my fucking way!" Tate yelled. He walked out the door yelling at Kendyl to move. She jumped out of the way quickly.

"DON'T FUCKING COME HOME!" Our father yelled which made mama cry harder.

I walked into the living room all the way and put my hand on my dad's shoulder. He looked at me with pure anger. He walked away and went out of the living room. Probably went into the office. I went over to mama and sat on the other side. Bailee looked like she had been crying for quite some time. She nodded to me and let mama go.

I put my arm around her and she looked up. Her eyes were completely bloodshot. Her face was puffy and stained. She looked like she had been crying for hours. She hugged into me and I held her. I looked up and saw Kendyl at the entrance of the living room. Bailee went up to her and said something. Kendyl looked at me and gave me a weak smile and walked away with Bailee. I wonder where Bryson was.

"Oh Bo." My mama whispered as I could tell she was still crying.  What am I to say?

"Mama, please tell me what's fully going on." I asked her.

"Your daddy told you basically everything. A couple days ago they said they think they found something. Then today they told us it was cancer and it was in its second stage. I'm close to the third stage. I'm going to have to go through chemotherapy." She cried.

"It's gonna be okay mama. You will get your chemo and be fine. You're a strong woman. You raised all of us with dad so far away. You did an amazing job. You've been shot, and you've been in an accident. You've fell from horses. You've done all of your dreams. You put up with all of us. You're beyond super woman. You're so much greater than that. You wouldn't like if we were all down and out. You need to have hope. If this was me who had it you would be yelling at me telling me to buck the fuck up because you'll never get anywhere with the way you're thinking. So chin up mama. You're going to get through this." She looked up and nodded.

"I'm just worried about your father and Tate." I nodded understanding.

"It's rough finding that out. Dad cares so much for you. Tate is the biggest mama's boy out of all of us. He is beyond attached to you. He needs time to think and you know how he and dad always fight over stupid shit. Well now it's not stupid so it got serious. Them fighting aren't going to help. I'm gonna talk to dad and then see if I can find Tate." I told her.

"No, you've been drinking." She said looking at me scared.

"It's alright mama. Kendyl drove me here, and will drive me around if I ask. She has been very helpful to me." I smiled. Mama smiled and whipped her tears. She let go of me and then pinched my cheek.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I shook my head no. "Well the way you seem when you said her name she is to you." Mama said.

"Well don't worry who I'm dating mama. Let's go get a cup of coffee because I bet that is where the women went. I'll grab one and bring one to dad to calm his ass down." Mama nodded.

I walked her into the kitchen with my arm around her. Kendyl saw us first and got up. I just motioned for her to sit back down and she shook her head at me. Bailee saw and helped Kendyl. I sat Mama at the island and then went and got out a third cup. Kendyl understood what I was doing. She made my cup while Bailee made mamas.

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