The Realization...

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 Once he fell they both just stayed there for a couple of minutes frozen in silence. then Koshi said "d.i.s.n.e.y. Disney. thats how you spell it." immediately after saying that he got up. Sugawara had never been more embarrassed in his life. Had he just fell on his lap?"I'm gonna go make popcorn..." Sugawara said hoping to move away from the awkward situation. As he walked to the kitchen he could feel his face exploding with blush. Daichi was just sitting on the couch searching up Disney. Sugawara was just staring at Daichi his face getting warmer by the second.

5 mins later(time skip brought to u by my writer's block)


"Koushi?" He asked confused why he did not hear the microwave going, after all, koushi did go into the kitchen to make popcorn. He got up after not hearing a response and found him in the kitchen fumbling with the cabinets looking for the popcorn(or so he hoped). He went over to help and pulled out a bag of microwave popcorn. "It's in this cabinet," he said as I opened up the microwave.

"Ohh..." koushi said a little red.

The microwave started going and we stood exactly where we were none of us breaking this awkward silence.


I and Koushi were sitting on the same couch about 3 feet apart. When did the silence become awkward? I think he felt it too because he suddenly shifted around and was closer to me. Well, guess he has not noticed that I was uncomfortable with this situation so I will just leave it for now I guess.

(Daichi's couch)


It feels so safe in this house. I don't know if it is just that he is a police officer but it feels like whatever I do won't be judged or get kicked out for. I can finally just relax. I felt myself drifting off into sleep so I shifted a little and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Daichi was looking at me. Wow even him starring at me I still feel safe! I would love to stay like this forever but I can tell that Daichi was looking uncomfortable sitting there.

"soOooo~," I said a little too quietly for my liking.

"Yea?" he said relaxing a bit. Im glad he finally felt comfortable in his own god damn house!

"You tired?" he asked me. Short answer yes, long answer yes but im not going to bed.

"Nope," I said as I yawned. Curse my body for betraying me!

"Really?" Daichi said as he was managing not to laugh.

"What's so funny!" I said knowing the answer but it was not funny so I don't know why he was laughing.

"Ohh nothing," he said as he got up and went to the kitchen holding the popcorn bowl. I of course followed him because I wanted to know why.

"Come on!!!! Please tell me what's so funny! Maybe ill laugh tooOo~" I said as I tripped over a book on the floor. I landed on another book and a piece of paper- don't ask me how- got on my head and to be honest this was the stupidest I had ever felt. To Daichi though, it appears that this was the funniest thing ever. He burst out laughing while I just stayed there face a darker shade of red as I got up immediately and started to lightly shove Daichi. Daichi entered the kitchen and put the empty popcorn bowls in the sink that was overflowing with dishes he had not done.

Just then it occurred to both of us that...

























we had to go to bed...

Ok so pls add some comments because idk Ummm I like to chat-

Sry this chapter was short kinda lost the motivation but the next one will be longer-

-a very lonely Yuki

Word count: 639

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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