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Daichi walked up to the woman and put a hand on the woman's shoulder." I need you to take a step back please." he said in a stern voice. The woman turned around and said, "why do I have to listen to you! this is my child!".At that Daichi started to say what he should have said at the beginning "You have no right to call him your child. May I ask why your child was walking around the park covered in glass and blood?".The woman was about to answer when Daichi continued "and may I ask you why he looks so scared right now? or why you cornered him to a wall? why is your scared child trying to get away from you?".

The woman had no answer. the man walked up to Daichi and slapped him saying "don't talk to my wife that way!".Daichi did not know how to react to that. In all of his life, he had never been slapped by someone. Sugawara quickly got up and grabbed Daichi away from that situation as fast as he could.

{timeskip brought to you by this terrible time to put a time skip}


(ANOTHER random street)((let's call this one avenue.st))


"What is going on?"Daichi said as he tried to catch his breath. Sugawara halted to a stop he just could not take anymore and his eyes started to gloss with tears and he began to cry. Daichi did not know why this was happening. So he just walked over to him and wrapped his arms around him. They stayed like that for a while until Sugawara finally just stopped crying. He started to pull away from Daichi and saying things like I can't stay and I have to go. Even though Sugawara was pleading to go Daichi would not let go. he felt like it was his responsibility to take care of him. he didn't know why and he didn't care. Eventually, after just standing on the sidewalk for about 10 minutes hugging Sugawara for no apparent reason he asked a question that he did not need an answer for "do you want to stay the night?".

Did he just ask me to stay the night? I mean he is nice but this? "No," Sugawara said very quickly. he was not going into a stranger's house." why?" Daichi said in a confused tone. Sugawara replied with the best answer he could." MAYBE BECAUSE WHEN I FIRST MET YOU YOU CAME AT ME WITH A BASEBALL BAT DUMBASS!".this surprised Daichi though it should not I mean Sugawara was right. Daichi had come at him with a baseball bat and he is a stranger after all." my name is Daichi Sawamura what is yours?" Daichi asked in a polite voice. did he seriously just ask that? even though it was a stupid question he still answered it "Koshi Sugawara," he said hesitantly.

"Ok Sugawara now that you know me will you come to my house?" Daichi said. Idiot. what an idiot. Even though Sugawara knew that he should not go he really did not have anywhere to go so eventually he said "ok".

{timeskip brought to you by @KayKayAnime360}

Daichi fiddled with his keys as he tried to stick the right one in the door keyhole. He finally found the right one and put it through the keyhole and then the door clicked open. Daichi walked right through the door but Sugawara stayed outside hesitant about going inside." don't worry I don't bite." Daichi said in a joking tone." haha" Sugawara said in a sarcastic tone. Sugawara slowly stepped into the house. What he saw was a very messy house which seemed a little odd because Daichi looked as though his house would be as clean as a hospital. There were papers on the table plates everywhere and clothes on the floor. Sugawara did the thing that he hated the most frankly but it seemed that but had to be done. He started to clean the messy house. 


(Daichi's house)

{4:31 pm}

"Are you cleaning my house?". Daichi said knowing the answer. "Yes I am, I mean you are never going to do it!" Sugawara said in a joking tone. Daichi quickly walked over to the boy dragging him away from the kitchen where he had started to clean. He brought him over to a couch which was always a clean place." so Koshi Sugawara what tv do you like to watch?" Daichi said genuinely wondering." Koshi is fine" Sugawara said not wanting to hear his related name." ok then, Koshi what do you like to watch on tv" Daichi said with the same wondering as the first time.

"I like to watch Disney..." Koshi said a little embarrassed." Disney eh?" Daichi said not knowing what that was." YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF DISNEY?" whatever embarrassment was there before was long gone with this new information." what?" Daichi said obviously not knowing." ok there must be something wrong with you! Where was your childhood?! "Sugawara said annoyed. Daichi just laughed at the poor boy who was actually upset that Daichi did not know about the wonders of Disney.

"Disney? how do you spell that?" Daichi said as he got the tv to turn on." umm" Sugawara said actually not knowing." if you don't know how to spell it we can't watch it" Daichi said teasing Sugawara.

A clearly upset Sugawara just crunched up on the couch and started to think about it. He looked cute like that. Wait what am I saying.


(Daichi's couch/home)


"I got it!" Sugawara said and at that one slight movement, he fell right onto Daichi's lap. 

A/N: I know what happens after and I am lmao over this story TwT

thx for reading reader~san

word count:948

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