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{12:39 pm}

He woke up in a white room trying to remember what happened. As he was remembering the nurse walked in asking "how are you feeling?".To be fair, she was trying to be nice but Sugawara always found that question stupid. If you ask that question while someones in a hospital room then yea lady they feel fine. So that's exactly what he said "fine.". The lady said a few things next "My name is nurse Yui. I normally am at the front desk but I can be here and there. If you need anything please come to me.".If you need anything come to me.Another fraise that Sugawara hated at a young age.

His parents were abusive ever since he was 5. They would always have a negative effect on him. They would find a new way to torture him each day. Hot coals, Knives, Fists or Feet, Pulling of hair, and Choking were more of the constant ones.

The nurse had been calling Sugawara for about 5 minutes now. He finally came back to reality and the nurse was still calling. He often did not respond even when he knew they were calling.

He then said, "how did I get here?".He thought this was the most useful question to him at this point. Yui replied with "actually there was this nice-"." Yui please come back to the front desk!".A random voice from outside the door said. Yui then said very quickly "it was nice to meet you! I have to go but your family is coming here to pick you up." and at that Sugawara knew he was in for a treat.

{timeskip brought to u by my terrible guitar skills}

Later that day just as Yui said his parents came and sure enough they had their fake faces on. He always wondered how they did it. How they were so cruel to him but so nice to everyone else. He always thought that he just might not be the greatest person but that can't be true. Even when he was living by himself he was still polite. he helped old people cross the road, helped people with their groceries and was someone people came to talk to. He had never done a mean thing, or at least he didn't think he had. His parents came with sympathetic faces. Even though this was a place where people got better, this hospital was the place where he was about to get worse." where did you go sweetheart? we were worried sick!" his mom said in what people would think is a nice tone which to Sugawara means a complete lie. His dad said "right when we found out you ran away we went out looking for you!". another lie. All Sugawara could think about was how he was going to get out. His parents said they should get going so Sugawara got up instantly and the nurses there rushed over. Saying little phrases like don't get up and you will get more hurt and sit down sir eventually the nurses got him to sit back down even though he wanted to just get out of there. The smell of the hospital was stuck in his nose now I've been here too long he thought. the nurses got his parents to go sign some paperwork.

Right when they left he hopped onto his feet. he was never the type of person to stay in bed anyway. He walked out of his room feeling slight pings of pain here and there. Right as he turned the hallway there he was. The man with the bat.




I saw him standing there. The boy with hazel eyes. They said his name was Koshi Sugawara.

" the man with the bat?" he said with a voice so soft but so loud that the lady at the front desk could have heard.

"The man with the bat?" Daichi said in a confused voice. Wait he must have meant the time when he was going through his trash, their first encounter. trying to not sound like a murderer Daichi replied in a better smarter way." it's nice to meet you.". Sugawara's reply was quick and certain "well of course it is nice to meet me.".well he has a sense of humour he thought. Sugawara looked at Daichi in a confused way." So what are you doing here?" Sugawara asked in a polite but still confused way. Daichi said the truth" I'm here to check on you"

"Me?" Sugawara asked more confused which frankly, Daichi didn't think was possible." yes you" he replied more certain in his answer." so how are you feeling?" Daichi asked not knowing that it has already been asked." why does everyone keep asking me that!" he replied quickly. Daichi froze for a moment. Not knowing what to say. They just stood there in silence for a minute."I'm wasting my time!" Sugawara said annoyed. he stormed away walking faster than before. Daichi followed after him and apologized to the people Sugawara was bumping into.


(outside of the hospital)


Sugawara just kept walking. He didn't know who he was walking into and he didn't care either. All he wanted to do was get out of there and go back to the streets. To be honest he hated the streets. It was dirty, smelt bad, and people always wanted to sell things to you or harass you. It was still better than going back to that place that he used to call home. Once he got out of the hospital Dachi was still following him. Sugawara came to a complete stop " hey what's your deal!" Sugawara said not trying to be rude but it might have come off that way. Daichi stopped and said, "I want to help".

It had been a long time since Sugawara had heard that. The last time it happened was when he was 10. He had already run away, in fact when he heard someone say that it had been 4 days since he had. It was winter and japan had its first snowfall. There was a nice woman with children who were about 8 or 9 and she was taking care of them. Earlier that day he had been stupid and didn't close his bag. So all he had was his empty bag. The woman's children were all behind her and seemed to be very obedient to the woman which meant she was in power here. The woman knew what was going on almost as if she had been in this situation 1000 times. She said to me "I won't hurt you. I want to help".


(random street)((lets call it just for fun))


He has been standing there for about 3 minutes. He has his eyes looking at this what it is like to be frozen? Just as Daichi was about to say Sugawara's name someone else did." Koshi!" a woman from behind dachi said. She wore a fur coat and lots of make-up and looked as though she could be rich. She ran up to Sugawara hugging him. This woman looked like Sugawara and probably was his mom if Daichi had to guess, but Sugawara looked so scared when she called his name. Why?

a man(who is probably the dad) started to run up to them. At that Sugawara started to try to get out of that hug that he was in. As he got out of the hug he started backing away slowly. The mom started to follow him. Every step backwards Sugawara would take the mom would go forwards. Eventually, Sugawara hit a wall and the mom got closer." sweetheart is something wrong" the mom said. Sugawara had fear in his eyes like the day I met him, those hazel brown eyes wide open and darting everywhere. Scared.

A/N ok so I found out that the 2 arts that I had should be 3-

so here I am posting again...

i am sry suga~san!

word count:1342

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