"Let's play a game of tag, angel."


Wooyoung felt empty now that the case has been done. The person those.officers trying to catch. The one who he had been finding for.almost a month was finally caught.

But now that.the other is caught, theirs this feeling inside him that wanted this not to end.

Was he really falling in love with the other?

Or was this just lust?

He didn't know.

Wooyoung release a deep breath as he turns around while tighten his grip on the mug in his hands.

He was standing on the small terrace of his and his brother shared room after reaching home.

Hoseok enters the room and smile at his little brother who smile back seeing his older brother walks to his bed and sits.

Wooyoung walks to hoseok and sit on his bed in front of him, seeing the tired expression on his older brother face which broke him every time he saw it which is almost everyday.

Wooyoung place his mug of coffee on the nightstand and bend down to untie his brother shoe lace on which he get a question look from hoseok.

"Youngie, what do you think you're doing?"

"Untying your shoe lace, hyung."

"I know, but you don't have to-"

"Why?" Wooyoung sit straight and looks in hoseok eyes.

"You work whole day just to make sure we are all feed full and have everything and I can't do anything just to make sure my brother, my older brother, rest for a bit?"

Hoseok gives wooyoung a tired smile as he cups wooyoung left cheek with one hand.

"Says the one, who pays the most." Wooyoung gives his brother a 'why are you saying that' look and slap his hand away from his face. He felt hurt for someone reason. Tears welled up in his eyes as he snap out.

"Why did you say that! Am I not your little brother? Or am I adopted!"

"Youngie, I didn't meant that-"

"But your words mean it hyung!"

"Youngie, my love, my life, my moon shh, don't cry. Hyung is bad for saying something like that." By now wooyoung was crying, maybe all those emotions were so much for him.

Hoseok sits besides wooyoung and hug him as wooyoung cries in his chest.

"Shh, everything gonna be fine. Just fine."

After few mins of crying, when wooyoung finally calm down. Hoseok confront him.

"Youngie, you know you can tell me anything right? I won't judge you. Please tell me what's bothering you? Maybe I could help? If not I could at least listen, mhm?"

Wooyoung just look at his older brother thinking where should he start and what should he even tell hoseok.

Should he tell him that he works as a stripper?

Or should he tell him that he was given an underground case to seduce the wanted criminal around the world, joker for at least a half and a full month and he hide it from everyone else?

Or should he tell him that he did because he wanted a little adventure?

Or should he tell him because he didn't wanted his older brother and mother to be so worried and overwork themselves, he become a stripper and had been laying to them telling them he works at a cafe and had done that case especially for his father condition and make his brother go in stress that his little baby brother did this much dangerous things only because he couldn't do it.

Or should he tell him that his little innocent baby brother is a play thing for others?

Or should he tell him that his little brother is a whore, a heo, a.....

What exactly should he tell his older brother, he didn't know.

He didn't know what he should tell him exactly.

Or..should he tell his older brother...that... the one he wanted to wreck is the one who wreck his little brother.

So wooyoung choose what he thought was right.

"It's nothing brother, was just feeling a little overwhelmed by dad's condition." Not a total lie but definitely not the full truth.



1234 words.

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