Chapter Eleven~ Sophie

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Sophie stumbled down the steps after her Imparter conversation with Keefe. Instead of seeing Grady and Edaline in the kitchen, she found Brant sitting at the table with a cup of tea and a book.

"Morning kiddo," he said.

"Hi," Sophie said awkwardly. Well... this is weird... she thought.

"Your parents left on assignment early this morning so they told me to come hang out with you for the day."

Sophie's face scrunched. "Like a babysitter?"

Brant smiled. "Think of it more as just hanging out with someone older than you."

Basically what Brant was telling her was that she could save the world but couldn't stay home alone? "Don't be offended," he said. "Your parents trust you, it's just that you seemed different yesterday that they wanted me to keep an eye on you."

"Oh," Sophie said sourly. She knew he was really her babysitter.

"Come on Sophie," Brant said, "You used to love hanging out with me. Now it seems like you're mad at me." His gray-blue eyes were filled with sadness, as if she had betrayed their friendship.

The look on his face saddened Sophie. But what could she do?

"I-I'm not mad at you," she whispered, not meeting his eyes. Well, she wasn't mad at this Brant.

Brant blew out a breath. "Then why have you been acting so weird?----You screamed when I woke you up yesterday---which was why I didn't do it this morning."

Sophie tugged at an itchy eyelash. She felt bad making him feel like she didn't like him.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Brant asked.

"No, of course not!" she said defensively.

"Well then, why don't we just move past it and have a good day?" he suggested.

"Ok," she agreed. She was glad to change the subject.

Sophie made her way to the couch and nestled under the blanket that was folded on the cushions.

Brant laughed. "You don't get enough sleep."

"I know," Sophie mumbled, mashing her face into the pillows.

"By the way," he started, "Who was that kid yesterday? The one who thanked me for not killing him."

"Oh, that's Keefe. He's a goof---don't listen to him." Sophie said.

Brant smiled. "He seems to like you. How come you've never mentioned him before?"

"We became friends a few weeks ago," Sophie lied.

Brant seemed to believe her. "Yeah and how does Fitz feel about this?" he asked.

Fitz? Why would Fitz care if she and Keefe were friends? "What do you mean?" she wondered.

"Um hello? This is Fitz." he chuckled. "He's so protective! If he doesn't like the person, you basically don't like the person. So are they friends or something?"


Sophie couldn't believe her ears.

She was definitely leaving herself a note before she goes home telling her alternate-universe self about how TOXIC her boyfriend is.

"Sophie?" Brant's voice broke her thoughts.

She shook her head. She forgot that Brant was standing there. "Sorry." she said.

"Can I be honest with you?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said, sitting up as he sat on the other side of the couch and faced her.

"I know your parents really like Fitz but I'm around him a lot more than they are and he's... bad news... I can just feel it."

Sophie didn't know what to say. How close was she in the dimension to Brant that he would be so honest with her?

She was about to respond when there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, there stood someone she had yet to see in this dimension. Biana Vacker.

"Sophie!" She said, "why are you still in your pajamas???"

"Umm, because it's Saturday?" She said, though it sounded more like a question.

Brant snickered and Biana shot him a look. "I can't believe you forgot!"

Sophie gave Brant a desperate look. What did I forget? She transmitted, making Brant flinch. Sorry.

It's fine, Brant thought. You and Biana hang out every Saturday! Atlantis, remember?

No, she didn't remember! Riiiiight... She lied.

What are you hiding? Brant pressed.

N-Nothing... Sophie knew she wasn't getting out of this.

"Umm... Hello?" Biana interrupted, breaking their thoughts.

"Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night---I forgot," Sophie lied.

"That's ok," Biana said, "now I can pick out your outfit!" she grabbed Sophie's arm and pulled her upstairs.

In her room, Sophie watched as Biana fished through Sophie's closet. "So," Biana started, "How was your date with my twin?"


"You have a twin?" Oops. That wasn't supposed to slip. Who was her twin? She went on a date with Fitz last night.

"Your boyfriend, silly!" she laughed.

Phew, she thought it was a joke.

Fitz and Biana were twins? This world was getting stranger and stranger!

Sophie forced a laugh. "Right!" she chuckled nervously, "It was great!"

Then Biana looked concerned. "Everything's ok between you guys, right?"

"Of course, why?" Sophie asked.

"I dunno," Biana said, "After you left last night, I heard Fitz talking to my mom and he said something like 'she'll understand', but I don't know what that means..."

She'll understand? Sophie thought about it for a second, but she was just as stumped as Biana. "I don't know either," she said, "It's probably nothing,"

It was definitely something.

Why was Fitz acting suspicious?

Sophie was determined to find out. 

Fitz and Biana are twins! Plot twist! lol How to you think the Vackers like having the scorn of twins? (I wish elves didn't scorn multiple births--it's just awful!) 

Why do you this Fitz is acting suspicious? Was Brant right about him???... You'll find out! 

Question: How would you feel if you had a twin (If you were and elf)? (I would love it! My twin and I would be unstoppable like Tam and Linh!) (I don't have really have a twin but my younger sister is twelve) 

Love y'all! 

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