"Je suis amoureux de toi." Teena admits to him.

"I didn't understand that." Lando laughs.

"Figure it out pretty boy." She smiles before she presses her lips to his, the boy kissing her back with pure love clouding his mind. He'd never felt like this towards anyone, none of his past girlfriends had ever made him feel tingly or nervous around them and the way Teena made him feel was like a drug.


"I told you you'd get warm." Teena laughs as Lando leans on his arms, the boy viciously sweating from the heat of Budapest.

"I feel like I'm gonna sweat to death." Lando laughs. Teena stands up and makes sure the skirt of her dress is down before she moves in front of Lando, holding her hand out for him. He takes it, the girl pulling him up and moving him to where she was just sitting in the shade, the girl taking his Dior sunglasses off of his face and putting them on her own.

"How aren't you warm?" Lando asks.

"I'm used to it, Monaco's summer is just as hot as this." Teena smiles, the two of them sitting back down on the tartan blanket they'd laid out on the grass.

"You suit those." Lando compliments her.

"I might steal them from you." She grins, the girl going on her phone to see what she looks like. She swipes over to her Instagram story and checks what she looks like before swaps the camera around, the girl taking a picture of hers and Lando's view. She adds a few stickers to it before she uploads it to her story, the girl purposely not tagging Lando so people wouldn't get suspicious of them both.

Teena sits facing him with a packet of strawberries in her hand, Lando sitting up and facing her also, the only thing between them was the various bags of stuff they'd bought. Teena takes the stem off of one of the strawberries and throws it towards Lando, the brunette catching it in his mouth and cheering softly.

"So not only are you an F1 driver, you're a pro strawberry catcher too." Teena laughs, throwing another one and watching him catch it.

"I'm a man of many talents." Lando replies, raising one eyebrow at her as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Show off."

"Just because you can't write doesn't mean you can hate on me." Lando teases, the girl scoffing before she laughs.

"I can write in French and Italian, I've just not gotten the hang of writing in English on paper so I usually do everything in French." Teena shakes her head, tucking her hair behind her ears.

Lando looked at her as she threw a strawberry up and moved to try and catch it in her mouth, the girl missing and it ends up on the blanket behind her. She frowns and tries again, failing once more and trying yet again, getting it in her mouth on the third try. He smiled as she did it again, the girl becoming increasingly frustrated every time she missed.

"Don't smile at me, why is it so hard?" She frowns.

"Pass them here." Lando says, holding his hand out to her. She leans over and holds the strawberries out for him, the boy taking them and putting them down beside him.

"C'mere." Lando says, holding his hand out for her. The girl takes it as she stands up, Lando moving her over so she was sitting with her back against his chest and her body between his legs.

"This isn't teaching me how to catch strawberries." Teena inquires, looking up at him.

"Ah, you suck at that so you won't improve." Lando jokes, the boy watching her smile to herself as she shakes her head. Teena looks back up at him, turning herself a little before she presses her lips to his softly.

Never in a million years did the Monegasque think a curly-haired British Boy would steal her heart, but here she was, in a country she'd only been to once before, lying between his legs kissing him like it was the last time she was going to see him.

"Teena." Lando pulls away briefly, the girl looking up at him.

"Hm?" Teena hums.

"Je suis amoureux de toi aussi." Lando replies, watching her go wide-eyed.

"How'd you figure out what it meant?" She asks.

"Translators exist." Lando jokes, the girl biting her lip nervously.

"Are you serious?" She asks.

"100%." Lando grins.

"Wait, wait, wait. Say it to me in English so I can see if you got it right." Teena responds, listening to him giggle as she sits up.

"I said, I'm in love with you too." Lando admits.

"You got it right." Teena laughs nervously, pulling the sleeves of her cardigan over her hands.

"So, with that being said, will you, the most gorgeous and angelic girl I've ever seen in my entire life, do me the honours and be my girlfriend?" Lando questions.

"I will do you the honours, mon amour." Teena smiles, watching him breathe a sigh of relief before he leans down and kisses her again.

Lando had never felt so relieved in his life, his heart was full and pure and he had finally plucked up enough courage to ask her out after weeks of them acting like they were already together. It was relieving, he'd found the girl of his dreams at such a young age and he was so prepared to do anything and everything for her.

Teena finally felt free from everything, she felt free from the FIA and it was such a relief because it was so constricting for her. She didn't feel held back by Lewis anymore, who had come to his senses and stopped messaging her every minute of the day after he'd seen just how happy Lando and Teena looked at Silverstone.

She was his.

And he was hers.


Pretty Green Eyes➛Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now