A Secret Service

34 3 10

Written by joymoment 

Link to the book:


(*cough cough* Link *cough cough*. 

Get the reference? No? Then go read the book)


(In my words this time. I'll only use the author's summary when I don't have a long one, or if I don't remember the story I read.)

So basically it's about this girl, Carter, who's father is in the Secret Service. An amazing third person point of view book. She goes to Hamilton Prep, which is where all the posh politician's children go to. Super sophisticated. Complete with the neat uniforms and everything.

She grew up learning how to pack a good punch, run fast, fire a gun and all kinds of stuff that a normal teenager.....like me.....wouldn't even imagine knowing. She's the super smart, badass secret agent kind of girl that everyone imagines they would be in their daydreams....including me, again. But she's also kind of a social outcast because people have a hard time understanding her witty replies and smart banter.

So, two guys move in the school and want to be friends with Carter. They are one of the few who actually understand what she's saying. (P.S one of those guys is a complete hottie)

 But they have a BIG secret to hide. By 'big' I mean 'larger than the earth' kind of big. So our Carter tries to find it out and ends up in some big trouble.

My thoughts:

Perfect if you like to read about a savage, bad ass girl who makes an equally savage, bad ass guy fall in love with her and in the meantime save people and stuff. The character development is very interesting and all the characters are so unique and charming.

Those who have been on Wattpad for a long time definitely would have read it already. It's one of those books. More of which I'll tell later on. 

A complete 10/10. Go read it.

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