Love Potions.

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Harry got tied up on a chair, both girls are debating whether they should wake him up or not. Harry suddenly move slightly. His body feels sore as if he just got drag on a few staircases. His hand stung as he moves it. He opens his eyes to see two girls looking at him and one of them is Astoria. His eyes widen and before he could say anything, Astoria put up her hand to quiet him down. "Finally, you awake! Thought you were dead." Said the blonde-haired girl. "He is immortal remember ?" Sneer Greengrass

Harry looked at her in confuse face, "Who are you ?" He asked, looking toward the blonde girl who blushes slightly. "Hehe, I'm Mikyla. One of your biggest fan!" She squeals excitedly as she got noticed by her idol. "Actually, I don't care but what do you guys want ?" He asked again, in a stern tone. "Draco, I want Draco. Let's make a deal, shall we? You leave Draco and date Mikyla. As for me, I'll date Draco." Astoria
suggests, smiling softly. Harry scoffed, and said "What makes you think he wants you back? Also, me? Dating this random arse chick who bloody kidnapped me? That'll be a nightmare indeed."

Mikyla gasp, "Excuse me ?" She said. "You are excused." Reply Harry. "Since you don't agree, let me tell you my plan." Astoria interrupt. "I'm not that dense so I obviously will be giving my baby love potions of course, and after I did that I'll obliviate you so you don't go around and tell people about it." She stated "Imagine so desperate that you have to put a spell on your crush. Oh! Yeah, you can't imagine since you'll be doing that." He sneers, rolling his eyes.

"Hmph whatever, Mikyla you take care of him make sure he's not running away. I'll bring you some food later on, but right now I'm going to dinner and try to slip this potion inside Draco's drink without getting caught, got it ?" Speak Astoria. "Alright, and good luck !" Reply Mikyla. Astoria then made her way to the great hall leaving Mikyla with Harry.

"Bitch, untie me!" Yell Harry, moving his hand harshly trying to untie himself. "Sorry, Harry but I can't. I like you, I wanna date you." Said Mikyla, then walk closer to harry. "Fuck off you disgusting whore !" Harry yell again.



Draco POV

It's dinner time, as always I took a seat next to Leorio who already has food stuffed in his mouth. I glance toward the Gryffindor table and there's no sight of Harry. That's weird, why isn't he coming for dinner? Did something happen? I decided to ask Leorio since they both were together the last time I see him. "Rio," I said but got ignored. "Rio!" I said a bit louder. "Wot? Can't you see I'm eating? This is soo good." He responds. I smack his head "Have you seen Harry ?" I asked him.

"Ouch! What was that for !?" He said, rubbing his forehead. "And to answer your question, no. I hang out with Hermione after you left. Why ?" He stated. "Nothing, it's just he's not here. Look." I said, pointing my finger toward the empty spot. His eye's then glanced toward the Gryffindor table, he furrows his eyebrow but then said "He is probably at the common room? I dunno." Back to stuffing food inside his mouth. I then saw Astoria, walking her way toward the empty sit in front of me. God damn it, she is so annoying.

"Hello, Draco! How are you ?" She asked me. "Uh, fine thanks," I reply, feeling like I would throw up seeing how hard she's squeezing her boobs to make it look bigger. "So, you're not gonna ask me how I am ?" Speak Leo. "Uh- I um how-" She stuttered. "I'm just joking around, anyway eat fast because that is Pansy's spot." Leo interrupts her."oh ok." She replies, then filling up her plate. "Uh, Draco? Would you want me to get some drink for you ?" She asked me.

"No, I'll get some for myself thanks," I reply. "No! Uh, I mean no, I insist. I'll get some for you." She suddenly yells, then made her way to get some drink for me. That's weird... I finished my food and waited for her. She comes back with orange juice... Ew. "Here you go, Draco." She hands out the drink to me. "Um, thanks," I said. I then switched my drink with Leo's when both of them are not paying attention.
I drink my apple juice, or I mean Leo's apple juice and put the cup aside. "I got to go now, bye Draco," she said while giggling.

She then left the great hall. "What the fuck? Why is my drink is orange? I remember getting apple juice." I heard Leo complain, I snorted. "Oh well, the juice is juice." He said, I then take one green apple and started eating it. "This drink tastes funny, but oh well." I heard Leo say, before I could say anything Pansy then arrived and took a seat in front of me.



Third-person POV

Astoria was smiling to herself, feeling happy thinking that Draco can finally be hers. "Draco will love me forever! My dream has come true!" She said to herself. When she arrived at the abandoned room where she tied Harry up and her jaw drops as soon as she opened the door.

A/N: SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE !! I don't have story block or anything, its just idk how to write this chapter like actually. So, if its sound a bit funny I'm sorry lol and i change my plan i don't think I'll be adding angst 😟. I also now have new idea for new drarry fanfic.

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