An Upset and Worried JK

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"Of course I did. I wanted you and appa to meet her." Jeongguk replied warily, squeezing Lyssah's hand when he felt her tense up.

Lyssah took a deep breath and stepped forward, bowing her head to Jeongguk's mother. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Jeon."

His mother just scoffed. "Can't say the same, unfortunately."

"Eomma!" Jeongguk said in shock.

"What? Should I lie and pretend I'm happy to meet her? Should I pretend that she doesn't disgust me?" She asks him. "You have children near my son's age and yet you still chose to date him. It's wrong. You need to date someone your own age instead of going after a rich younger man that you can manipulate."

"I...I'm sorry you feel that way, Mrs. Jeon." Lyssah said. "I need some air, Jeonggukkie. I'll be outside." She adds to her boyfriend.

Jeongguk stands there in shock as his girlfriend walks out. He had a feeling his parents wouldn't like the idea of them being together but he didn't expect his mother to be so mean about it to Lyssah.

"Good, while you're at it take yourself back to America and out of my son's life." Mrs. Jeon states.

"Eomma, stop! Why are you being like this?" Jeongguk said.

"Come on, Jeongguk. She's old enough to be your mother. It's obvious she got pregnant to manipulate you and get your money. You should be dating someone your own age. Not someone whose diapers you'll have to be changing in another few years." She states.

"Enough, eomma! Lyssah is an amazing person. She never wanted my money or Tae's in the first place but we insisted." He explains.

"Oh please. Of course, she would say she didn't want your money. A gold-digger never admits they want the money in the beginning. Don't bring her back here again. I don't want her in my home." She says.

"Don't worry I won't bring her back here. But just know that if she isn't welcome here then I won't be coming back and you won't be meeting your granddaughter either. Goodbye, eomma." Jeongguk said, turning his back to her.

He put his shoes and coat back on and walked out the door. He went to his car, assuming Lyssah was there waiting for her. Only she wasn't in the car and when he looked around he couldn't see her. Where could she have gone? He quickly got in the car and tried to call her to find out that she had shut her phone off. Shit! She was upset and took off with her phone shut off. What had she been thinking? How was he going to find her? He tried to call her again just in case. When he still got the message that her phone was off he decided to drive around and look for her.

Jeongguk drove around for twenty minutes looking for Lyssah and didn't find her so he went back to the hotel in hopes that she had gone back to Taehyung. When he walked into the hotel room the confusion on his hyung's face was enough to tell him she wasn't there.

"Where's noona?" Taehyung asked.

"I...I don't know, hyung...My eomma said some hurtful things and Lyssah walked out. I argued with eomma a bit and when I came back out Lyssah was nowhere to be found." Jeongguk said. "I tried to call her but she shut her phone off." He added.

"Fuck. We need to find her. She doesn't even have her guards with her and ARMY could easily recognize her." Taehyung said.

He called her guards and they came to the room. They all sat down to figure out the best plan to find her before ARMY did.


Lyssah hadn't stopped walking once she stepped out of the Jeon's home. She just kept going. It was cold but she didn't care. She couldn't stay there and watch Jeongguk's relationship with his parents fall apart like that. Because she could hear him yelling at his mother. A mile or so down the road an older woman stopped and gave her a ride. She didn't go back to the hotel because she needed some time to herself. She asked to be dropped off somewhere else in town, shutting off her phone soon after.

An Unexpected Miracle....or TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz