Rise of Zero Wing! 7

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Heat and static.

Immeasurable degrees of heat pressed upon White Night's face. Even this far away from the spell, he could feel as if he were standing inside a boiling oven, turned as high as it could go. His clothing itself raised some static with every movement he made, making even the hair on the back of his head stand up straight as the launched lightning snapped and crackled its way towards the monsters, a deafening rumble that made all the Mutants cover their ears even as the attack headed their way.

The Chieftain Mutant didn't seem to be as affected as its followers. While the brands in its body did not disappear, the chains holding its arms and legs snapped. The creature roared loudly, displaying its might as it stood in front of the coming attacks. Its black metallic body started heating up, glowing a bright orange.

The Chieftain moved forward, possibly intending to tank the attacks all by itself, but before it could intangible pure white swords fell from the sky, the blades facing downward as they danced in a circle around it. The weight of the swords was felt upon the Mutant leader where it stopped in place, unable to move forward.

The blazing inferno and deafening lightning hit upon it and all the other monsters a second earlier. The sight was so blinding to Owl's members and Aqua Rose that they had to shield their eyes lest they go blind.

When they finally uncovered their eyes a terrifying sight awaited them. Molten, crumbling rock covered the whole area, the soil had somewhat crystallized to the point that it looked almost like black obsidian. The Mutants themselves were all almost gone, most of the Common monsters laid on the ground dead, while some were on their knees trying and failing to get up, the Elite fared a bit better with most gravely injured only keeping close to 20-40 percent of their health.

The Chieftain stood tall, though

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The Chieftain stood tall, though. Its glowing skin now a dull tone. Its sword on the ground, hands at its knees. It was breathing heavily, cracks appearing under was passed for skin and metallic blood oozed from them.

Incredible! White Night thought.

"Is this the true strength of Guild Leader Black Flame?" muttered Frozen Dream by his side.

White Night only shook his head, "I believe this is only a part of it. But in any case, we now have a chance." He turned to his team. "Black Flame just gave us a good opportunity, don't let it go to waste, take them down!"

A second wind revitalized the team, energy coming back into their eyes. White Night knew what his team was and wasn't capable of, exhausted as they were, there was still enough in them to finish this, now more than ever.

"Druids, keep them down! Casters, use your strongest spells! Clerics, Oracles, heal up the frontline! Frontline, head down there and hack them to pieces! Don't rush, remember to keep your space, and move in groups. Get rid of the Common monsters first, move on to the Elites after." His eyes looked on towards Shi Feng and the Chieftain, "...Leave the Chieftain to Black Flame for now."

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