Rise of Zero Wing! 2

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Welcome back, fellow reader. Forgot to mention that english is only my second language so sometimes there might be a one too many commas, or something might just not make sense written. If so, please excuse me and point it out for me.

See if you can spot the differences.


Shi Feng's journey to the Candlelight trading firm took no time at all. He quickly called for a meeting with Cream Coco where they discussed her worries with a few of the Advanced Forgers and some Intermediate ones that had lately had lower production rates. With a look at her charts Shi Feng saw what she meant.

Forgers could come in three types. Those that worked in weapons and equipment, the ones that did mostly support items and items that strengthened existing weapons and equipment, like his combat devices did, and the third mostly came later in the game, when players got a hold of designs of bigger scope. That meant Combat Puppets, Transportation devices, and once players got a town developed into a city, Defensive Structures.

Of course, a forger that mainly focuses on one area rarely would be able to reach higher than Basic Master Forger. This was because items, as players grew in levels and tiers, would become incredibly complex. Meanwhile magical arrays would become more prominent on all types of items, to the point that a forger could have legendary materials in abundance yet fail spectacularly in their forging if their arrays weren't good enough. As such, they needed to spread their focus to understand detailed functions that they would very rarely ever encounter in their chosen fields.

Obviously, that wasn't a particular trouble for current forgers. Compared to those items made in the future, what they had to comprehend right now was unbelievably easy. Sure, they had to familiarise themselves with the forging process, but success and failure rates were also considered with the equipment used to make those items, not to mention the materials themselves. Yet, as Shi Feng saw the graph the truth in the patterns couldn't be ignored. He sent Cream Coco to those forgers with warnings to either ramp up their productions or scram. The Candlelight Trading Firm had no place for deadweights.

Soon after he went to his Advanced Forging Room where he spent some time helping Cream Coco, Melancholic Smile, and Roasted Ironheart forge extra strengthening devices. As the hours passed Shi Feng couldn't help but keep a smile on his face. They might be Advanced Forgers, but with the Insignia and my flame I can practically rival any of them in production. Truly cheat-like items.

With a few hours of work, he created a third of what other forgers would spend most of the day making, while reducing the amount of wasted materials by more than half. Soon enough he received a call from Aqua Rose. Hell Fiend's location had been found.


After a few hours since he finalized merging the Soul Flame into his body, he had recovered a few percentages of his weakened state, but not enough where he could feel comfortable fighting a top-tier expert like Hell Fiend inside a city and getting away. As such, he took out the necessary amount of weapons to upgrade the Abyssal Blade and teleported to a lower level map that shouldn't have many if any players.

I wonder what kind of commotion will happen with this upgrade? Shi Feng unsheathed the Abyssal Blade from the scabbard hanging at his waist. He then called up the Abyssal Blade's system interface and chose to upgrade it.

Compared to the upgrade to Level 30, the Abyssal Blade required far more weapons to reach Level 35. It needed twenty Level 35 Fine-Gold Weapons and three Level 35 Dark-Gold Weapons. However, without hesitation, Shi Feng chose to sacrifice the Level 35 Fine-Gold and Dark-Gold Weapons he had prepared. Following which, the Abyssal Blade transformed into a dark cloud as 23 weapons flew out of Shi Feng's bag and hovered around him.

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