Rise Of Zero Wing! 1

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Welcome to a RSSG fanfic. As most that have read the original story ended not long ago, and it was.. unsatisfactory. One of the things that I always liked in the beginning of the story was the parallel of Zero Wing's guildsmen as they grew strong independent of Shi Feng, for the most part. And i want to try to recreate something similar to that here.

The story starts earlier than most people would think, and while some things are running the same differences will start to pile up as the story goes.

Recap: Previous to chapter 857 Shi Feng met Sinned Heart, the guild leader of Immoral Light in the Abyss Battlefield where thanks to Zero Wing's strength Immoral Light did not suffer a wipeout and in a mix of respect and desperation offered Shi Feng various plots of Lands in the Twin Towers Kingdom. Soon, a member of King's Return, a Super Guild, learns of the transaction and warns Shi Feng and later on threatens to use a scroll of summoning that would bring forth Abyss monsters to Stone Forest Town. Shi Feng dares them to do so, and after gaining Soul Fire as part of the Legendary Quest "Lost Magic" with Sharlyn's help a system announcement sounded off that shook the whole continent.


Just as Shi Feng was thinking of testing this newfound power of his, the sound of a system announcement entered his ears.

System Announcement: A new expansion pack, "Abyss Invasion," has been triggered. The Twin Towers Kingdom has been assaulted by the Abyss, and abyssal monsters have begun invading the surrounding countries. When the time comes, players can participate in the Abyss War. After accumulating a sufficient amount of Merit, players can class-change into a new class.

The system announcement repeated itself three times, the contents of the announcement announcing itself crisply in Shi Feng's ears.

"He used it in the Twin Towers Kingdom?" Shi Feng muttered.

This time he could definitely admit he was surprised. With how he had provoked Hell Fiend, the chances of him activating the Abyss Summoning near the Stone Forest Town should have been high, yet Hell Fiend must have definitely had some other plans for him to do so in the Twin Towers. The obvious reasons being the same plots of Land that Sinned Heart had promised to sell to him would now be worthless in Hell Fiend's mind, yet it still was a good opportunity for him and Zero Wing. With the Abyss so close by, players would be able to gain Merit points by killing Abyss monsters. Of course, they could then exchange those points for a myriad of things, the class change being amongst the most popular ones. There's still an opportunity here, I just need to-

Yet Shi Feng's thoughts were interrupted as a massive pressure placed itself upon him, rooting him in place and nearly slamming him into the ground. A hand placed itself on his shoulder, gripping him tightly and with a grave voice asked "You know who opened the Abyss?"

To Shi Feng it only took no time at all to recognize the voice, yet the change in her tone kept him mute as he saw Sharlyn's whole body cross into his view, her once teasing gaze nowhere in sight. Piercing, furious eyes pinned him down and Shi Feng could only stand still as Sharlyn's whole body produced visible amounts of mana and shook the whole of the room, making even the arrays placed around the room light up as they held her presence inside.

Shi Feng had always known that NPC's were granted a certain amount of intelligence. The more important that NPC the more intelligence it could exhibit, even some coming off as real as a human. Of course, in the future an update would come in which the whole of God's Domain would really become another world, but he hadn't expected that one small careless comment would be heard, or even acted upon by Sharlyn. Shit, this is bad. I can't let her believe I'm connected to the Abyss! If she believes that, forget about losing a few levels, I would have to restart my whole account!

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