Rise of Zero Wing! 5

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A relieved sigh escaped Shi Feng's lips as they teleported for the last time.


The Seven Luminaries Ring's Space Aura could let its bearer teleport to any location within a certain range. Originally, whenever Shi Feng had used the ring's teleportation it was practically instantaneous. A simple silent pop from his location to whichever place he had set the coordinates. Yet the ring wasn't designed for the transportation of two, at least as an Epic Item.

The first time they teleported Shi Feng and Aqua Rose had tumbled into an otherworldly plane, where some creatures born of grass and mud with long, wry bodies, long and wide arms, short legs, and heads without necks had screeched at them before they fell right through the ground and back into the world they knew. Shocked, both laid on the ground as they recovered from the ordeal. Luckily, neither had any problems or lost body parts.

Worryingly, the coordinates Shi Feng had set were off by a few thousand yards. Resting, they tried again after the cooldown ended. This time they appeared in the same location he had marked but some hundred feet off the ground. For both of them it wasn't as dangerous as it would have been to others, thanks to their high attributes. They lost a bit of health but nothing they couldn't recuperate while waiting. The next time they were sent into a dimension where a white void permeated their every sense. They weren't even capable of seeing the clothes on their skin. Though this time they stayed for a few seconds more than what they expected. Shi Feng had felt as if he was being watched by a terrible alien force playing with the thought of eating him and Aqua Rose. The thought of such a monster had sent chills through his back.

Not even being Tier 5 would have saved me from that, I think.

They came into contact with a different world each time. A dark magenta space where nothing existed. A domain with charred stones and molten metal that actively caused high amounts of damage even with their Fire Resistance. A world where it looked almost the same as the original God's Domain yet the mana was scarcer than he had ever thought possible. On and on, the scenes kept changing. Weird and whimsical, Dark and foreboding. Sometimes not even teleporting in the correct direction. Yet through it all Shi Feng and Aqua Rose had never once truly felt in danger of being stuck in those places.

Halfway through Aqua Rose had commented that she had felt as though her mana had been reacting weirdly at each transition. After some time, she even gained a temporary buff. Strengthening her mana spells and reducing her mana consumption for 5%. It didn't last long, but as Aqua kept paying attention to the realms, or perhaps otherworlds, she inferred some connections mana had with her body. Shi Feng had some clues as to what she might be experiencing, but hadn't said anything for fear of interrupting her examination.

After dozens of teleports, Shi Feng and Aqua Rose had finally arrived near Snow Field City. Wasting no time, Shi Feng then summoned his Mount and rode with Aqua towards the city's location. As Shi Feng had expected, while the areas in the opposite direction he was going were full of monsters ranging from levels 45 and above, most of the ones he and Aqua Rose encountered were around level 40. Most of those monsters were not of higher rank than Lord, perhaps some were High Lords. To the current player population as long they fought in teams of 20 or more they could definitely kill those Abyssal Monsters. Yet, that wasn't to mean there weren't Field Bosses that were stronger. Shi Feng and Aqua had definitely met a few field bosses that were categorized as Grand Lords. Those they stayed clear away from, but marked their locations for their guild members to raid.

After some time they had visited most of the area, including passing near an Abyss Town. Shi Feng desperately wanted to go there, but without the Abyssal Book, he wouldn't even be capable of passing through the gates.

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