A New Friend and Job

Start from the beginning

"Ooooh! You look so cute! You would look even cuter covered in red!" the mystery girl said. She licked my blood off her knife before continuing to attack. 

I couldn't tell exactly what her quirk was. It's possible that her quirk made her so agile as a method to get easier access to blood. I wasn't going to take the chance of getting closer to her to figure that out though. I launched a wave of fire at her before turning around to face the victims. I teleported to the side of the man that was just killed, hoping that if he was alive I would be able to teleport him to a hospital. I checked for a pulse and found none. 

"Oh! Are you a hero!? But you're so small!?" The girl said seeming to get more confused as time went on. 

I knew I had little time so I made a risky choice and tried to take the man's quirk, knowing that he wouldn't mind that much. At that time the girl attacked me and managed to stab me in the chest. I fell back with the knife being pulled out of me. 

"Done so soon?" She asked, seeming genuinely confused. 

I took that chance to punch her in the jaw. I attempted to stand feeling the wound, finding that it was already healing over. Self-healing, that must have been the man's quirk. Just as I thought that the girl got up on the other side of the alley. She still had that crazed look on her face, but there was a tone of anger underneath it. I knew that I didn't have the power or skills to face her. Any attack I sent was expertly dodged, it only seemed to give her more of a chance to attack me. I tried to reason with her. It worked with the mole girl, maybe it'll work with her too. 

"Why are you doing this!?" I asked a hint of desperation in my voice. 

"Why? Because I want to see you bleed!" The girl said launching herself at me. I dodged her attack. 

In an attempt to reason with her I asked "Your quirk works off blood right!? That's why you want blood! If you stop this... I'll give you some of mine!" I told her, hoping it would work. 

She stopped her assault and started jumping like a schoolgirl and squealing like a schoolgirl. "Really!? You mean it!?" She asked. 

"If that's what it takes for you to stop then I'll give you some of my blood," I started removing the scales off my arm, offering it to her. She didn't even use the knife and just used her teeth. I felt them sink into me and pierce my skin. I could feel her sucking my blood out of me like an eager kid with a piece of candy. This went on for what felt like an eternity, but in reality, was more like a minute. After she had her fill she stopped removing her teeth from my arm as I noticed it had already started healing. 

"Thank you! That was amazing! My name is Himiko Toga!" the girl now known to be Himiko Toga introduced herself. 

"Fukuda Tamotsu," I introduced myself using my fake name. "So your quirk works off blood right?" 

She seemed to slump a bit. "Yeah, it's called transform. It lets me transform into people as long as I ingest some of their blood," she explained with a lot less energy around her. 

"Woah! That quirk is so cool!" I exclaimed, she looked at me seemingly confused as I listed off all the different possibilities for her quirk. 

"You... don't think it's villainous? Even after I attacked you and killed those two people?" she said gesturing to the people in the alley. 

"Well yeah, what you did was villainous, but I know it's because of you're quirk," I explained to her seeming hopeful. "Your quirk makes you have desires for blood right?" I asked as she shook her head in confirmation. "Then it isn't your fault. It's the fault of the people who didn't help you get the blood you needed," I explained as she seemed to start crying. 

"Thank you," she said bearly above a whisper. She then hugged me. I didn't know what to do. The only hugs I got from girls were from my sister, Katsumi, or Shoka, and those stopped when I turned four. Actually scratch that. I didn't get any hugs after I turned four. I reciprocated the hug, somewhat embarrassed since I didn't know what to do. 

I didn't want to think about my past so I tried to think about anything else. I looked at my hand thinking of my quirk. That brought me to thinking of the first quirk I took, scales. It then brought my thought process to something else. That time I made scales voluntary and made face change a permanent thing. If I could do that with those quirks, could I remove Toga's blood lust? 

"Hey, Toga-san," I asked her. She looked up at me from the hug with a questioning glance. "Can I try something on you?" 

"Sure Fuku-kun! You let me drink your blood so I trust you!" She said. 

I moved her back from me and activated my main quirk, All For One, before touching her. I could feel her quirk. I left it where it was and tried to take only a small piece, the part that gave her her blood lust. I could feel it was connected to the part that removed her natural human fear of blood so I disconnected them, only taking what was needed. I then looked at her seeing her star-struck face. 

"I'm not thirsty anymore..." She said looking up at me. Tears formed in her eyes. I thought I did something wrong and was about to apologize before she hugged me harder than before. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" She yelled. 

"It's okay Toga-" 



"You, gave me your blood willingly, talked to me like a normal person, and fixed my quirk. Not to mention I already called you by your first name. So it's only fair you call me by my first name too." 

"Okay then, Himiko," I said smiling at her. "Let's get out of this alley." 

"Oh right!" She said as she went towards the front of the alley. 

I was going to follow her before stopping. I remembered the other man, the one further down the alley. I walked over to him taking his quirk as well before teleporting to Himiko. 

"Is there anything I can do to repay you?" she asked. 

"Well, I have been looking for a job." 

"Oh! I know one! There's a bar that needs a new singer now!" 

"How do you know?" 

"Because the singer was the man I killed. He used his quirk and it made his voice sound so beautiful." 

So that's his quirk. "Okay. Can you lead the way?" I asked removing my mask. 



Quirks: All For One, Fire, Scales, Face Change, Mole, Teleport, Self-healing, Sing. (Blood hunger)

() means not a complete quirk.


A/N I'm thinking of making this an IzuToga ship. I think it would fit. I'm probably going to go through with it, but if I hear people saying no then I'll stop and think of a different ship or no ship at all. As of Yet IzuToga seems to be the way I'm going, but if you have a different idea choose a ship or no ship and I'll go with that.  

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