Chapter 3

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I awoke with a fright, for a moment forgetting all the past nights events. But slowly, as I took in my surrondings I remembered, the man with the gun, Henef, and his green eyes. Speaking of Henef where was he? I put my self on high alert, I knew these people couldn't be trusted, they'd probably gone and killed Henef and would come back for me later that morning. I slowly crept out of the room the house was eerily quiet not a sound of chatter, no smells were wafting in from the kitchen as I approached.

As I walked into the kitchen I didn't see the tall man, or my brother, what I saw was even more preplexing, I saw a large cat. This was the largest cat I'd ever seen in my life, it was still a house cat but much larger, it looked like a small tiger to me. I'd always loved cats during my life, I had a special affinty to them, but what then happened was even weirder. The cat's eyes fixed on me and its mouth started to move, any sane human being would expect a meow or a growl, but this cat was talking!

And even more strange I understood it, the cat said," My name is Cleo, and I am your companion Vale, we take the shape of the animal most closest to your heart.". "Woah woah woah, hold the phone," I thought, that cat, Cleo, had just spoken, and what did she call herself, a Vale? I needed answers," Cleo, what does this all mean then, your appearance, my brothers visions, am I going crazy?" "You are not going crazy child far from it , I am not allowed to divulge too many answers now, but I was told it was my time to show my self to you." , "wait what do you mean by show yourself to me?", " Kai, do you think you loved cats for no reason, Vale's are born the same time as someone like you, I've been with you all my life, we grew up togther, but I was forbidden to show myself to you intill the time was right, but I allowed you to catch glimpses of me.",Cleo said. I'd always just thought I had a vivid imagination as a child.

     This was a lot to process in this little time, first my brothers vision, his eyes, and now this. Cleo had said something about people like me, what had she meant? But I never got a chance to ask her that question, because the man, I just resorted to calling him biggs in my head and his wife had entered through the door. Cleo quickly came to my side and stood protectively infront of me, biggs then said," I see you've met your vale,all in a days work I suppose.".

He knew about vales? There must have been hidden cameras somewhere, because my life feelt like a large prank show right about now. His wife then said," ooh, you must be soo hungry dearie i'll have eggs on the stove in no time.". At that exact moment my stomach growled loudly, I was hungry but I didnt let my guard down,"Wheres Henef," I asked biggs, he belched and then asnwered,"your brothers on his way back, he's getting supplies for your journey.", "our journey where ," I asked, " all in due time my boy, now we eat!".

I turned my head and eggs and toast and orange juice were already set on the table. Could I have been soo engrossed in my conversation with biggs that I didnt notice his wife cook breakfast. Yeah I could cross that possibility off the list, but something was off, how had she prepared the food that quickly? "The magic of take out," Cleo's voice answered sarcastically for me in my head. We could communate through our thoughts?! I was really starting to love this Vale buissiness, and I guess I was being a tad overly suspicious. These strangers had taken me and my brother in, when we had nowhere else to go, but still I didn't feel one hundred percent safe when with them. As I sat down at the table I asked Cleo," well where's Henef then?" ,"he's on his way in.

However I do agree with you, I do not trust these two very much.". At that very moment Henef walked through the door, took a look at Cleo, shook his head like he didn't even want to know, then took a seat at the table. My little brother looked like he had aged so much in the last couple of days, and a pang of guilt hit me. I should have been the one up early to go and get supplies, what kind of older brother was I, I thought as Cleo brushed along my leg in sympathy. It was as if she was already a part of me , I don't know how I lived without her all these years. Although technically she was with me.

    I was broken out of my little reverie, by the sounds of a loud in the background. Biggs and his wife turned and looked at one another, guilty looks on their faces. "Uh-oh," Me and Cleo thought at the same time, they then turned to us and said in unison, "we are sorry, especially to you Henef, this was supposed to be a safe house, but he threatened us with our lives.". 

At that moment my brother's eyes lit up green, his face a contrast of emotions, anger at the two, yet there was a look of fear on his face, whatever was out there had been hunting us. " You let him know our location?" my brother asked through clenched teeth,"again we are sorry, you would do best to leave now," biggs wife said. As she uttered those words the door was knocked down, what stepped through the door frame I still remember to this day. It looked like it had a mans face as well as a wolves and both were trying to fight for control.

The wolf part of the face was growling and baring its teeth, salivating at the thought of probably eating us, Cleo started to growl in answer. I realized that whatever happened  from that point on, me and Cleo would go down fighting together. The mans part of the face was grimacing as if in some pain," Give me the boy," it said, "Kai, quick out the back door follow me," my brother said, as he stepped through the back door, me and Cleo bounded after him, once outside my brother instructed me to touch Cleo's back," It's called fast tracking," Cleo told me in my thoughts.

As I touched her back and Henef did the same, my vision blurred the world around me becoming a kaleidoscope of colours and then it abruptly ended. We were far from the house on a path, but I could still see the outline of  it ," Cleo, why'd you stop," I asked, " Partly because I needed a short break before I could get you farther, and partly to pay our final respects before we left," she said. "What do you mean," I thought and as soon as I thought that, the house was engulfed in flames as if that thing was trying to send a message.

Even though Biggs and his wife sold us out, they didn't deserve an end like that, no one deserved an end like that. "I will kill whatever killed them and was hunting us." I thought, I had to avenge their deaths they would not die in vain. When we payed our final respects, we touched Cleo's back and fast tracked to a safe location. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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