Chapter 2

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      Dad..." a young boy said as he sat on the side of a hospital bed," Dad, what am i going to do if you die?

There's no way I can take care of the family." .

" Don't you worry Kai, I'll never die if you remember me. And I'm certain you'll do great things." Kai's father said as he closed his eyes for the last time.

I remember crying that night for the first time in a long time, and to make matters worst I couldn't even go to my fathers funeral, I don't even think he had one, my mother had insisted we move that very day. I had a feeling it was only a matter of time before our mother left us too, everytime she looked at us she had a look of guilt and pain on her face, and I didnt know why, it hurt me to see someone, especially my mother in pain and be unable to do anything about it.

When she did eventually leave, all she left behind was a note for me and my brother Henef it read, "  I'm sorry children but I have to leave you, I have no choice and it breaks my heart, love forever mum.". 

I remember calling bullshit at the time, but I was an angry kid, could you imagine trying to wrap your head around why your mother would leave you? Was it because I wasn't good enough for her, had I dissapointed her in some way. After a while that part of me became numb it was hard to trust  anyone except my brother, it was hard to do anything.

      For a while me and Henef countinued to live in our house like nothing happened, going to school doing normal stuff. up intill nosy people started to snoop in our buissiness. Neighbours trying to come in, teachers wondering why they could never reach our parents. Me and Henef came up with excuse after excuse, but time was running out for us, I could feel it. And then one night at two am, Henef woke up screaming, I rushed in to see what the problem was and to this day i'll never forget my brothers face.

His dark face pale, sweat running down his face and his eyes fixed on mine as he said," We have to leave, somethings coming, and its something bad,". I had no idea how he knew this, but I trusted my little brother and something told me that if I stayed he'd have left anyways.

Whatever was coming, was bad news, my brother got flustered over a lot of things but I'd never seen him get that petrified. So we packed our belongings taking whatever money and credit cards we could find around the house and left that very night.

Our first night one the road wasnt that bad, after the vision none of us could sleep so we just walked, my brother insisted on going through the country side rather then going downtown. At times he'd stop, freeze, his eyes would light up green and he'd look in every direction and then continue walking, I could have sworn he'd just looked through me.

And when he did it for the fourth time I had to stop him and ask," what did you just do, that thing with the eyes," "To be honest I don't know, ever since I had that vision I can see stuff when I focus, its like I can see as far as I need in any direction. I'm checking to see if whatever I saw is following us.". " Do you think I can do it too?" ,"who knows, look up ahead there's a farm house if we get there I think well be safe for the night." he was pointing straight in front of us but all I could see were tree's, and as much as I strained and focused my eyes I could barely see two meters infront of me with the stifling darkness.

   When we finally reached the farm house my brother was talking about, he just stopped and looked at me and I said," well what are you staring at me for," "well you're the older brother go up to the door and ask," I thought he was kidding, but he was looking at me with earnest so I just went up to the door and knocked once.. no answer, twice.. no answer.

It was cold and I was getting frustrated so I started to knock and kick the door like crazy, only when I saw a light turn on was I satisfied.A tall burly man with a shotgun opened the door, I immediately put my hands up in self defence," Whaddaya think you're doing banging on a man's door like that at this time of night!".

I was speechless what could I say,the man was fuming but suddenly a look of realization passed over his face. Maybe Henef had done the green eye thing behind me, whatever had happened the man looked much more gentle now. His wife came up to the door and lowered the barrel of the gun from my face, and said," oh dearies,  you look like you've walked miles come on in, i'll lay a bed for you and you tell us what happened in the morning.".

I wanted to object that I wasn't tired but my eyes betrayed me, I could barely keep them open after the intial jolt of energy I got from almost being shot had passed. I looked back at henef and beckoned him forward, I still felt a little bit edgy about entering these strangers home. But I had no better choice and my little brother looked exhausted. The kind lady led us to a room, and the last thing I remember before drifting away to sleep was her kind smile, much better than that gun I thought, yeah way better.

The Chronicles of Kai Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now