Same Idea

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*nobody's POV*

Wanda and y/n finished up in the kitchen and headed off for the walk. On the way out of the compound, y/n collected blankets and snacks in a basket to make it a picnic.

They are making their way through the forest admiring the wildlife and making small talk. They are both nervous.

Y/n:"here is perfect" she says as she lays the blanket down.

Wanda :"it's a bit chilly out here" she rubs her arms

Y/n:"here princess" she takes off her jacket and hands it to wanda

Wanda:"thanks babe"

They both sit down and begin eating snacks and watching the sun set

Wanda:"this is beautiful"

Y/n:"watching the sunset is so peaceful."

Y/n wanted to distract Wanda with conversation as she took out the ring. She looks away and says

Y/n:"so cute that Peter is taking mj to the movies huh?"

Wanda saw this as an opportunity to take out her ring too as y/n was speaking.

Wanda:"I know I can't wait to meet her."

With both of their backs to each other they open their boxes.

Y/n:"wanda I have something to say"

Wanda:"me too i-"

They both turn around on one knee and are eye to eye completely speechless.


Y/n:"are you kidding?!?!" she begins laughing.

Wanda:"oh my god" she chuckles and let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Y/n:"well then miss maximoff, will you marry me?" she smiles at the young sokovian woman she fell in love with years ago.

Wanda:"of coarse its a yes!" she kisses y/n" miss stark, will you marry me? "

Y/n:" how could I ever say no to that face" she winks and they share another kiss.

Wanda:"I love you"

Y/n:"I love you" they smile at one another

The girls stay out for a few more hours and decide to walk back to the compound.

Wanda :"everyone should be home, I can't wait to tell them!"

Y/n:"me too babe"

They quietly walk I to the compound holding hands and see all the avengers in the living room. Including those who were on a mission.

Tony:"there is my girl, how are you?" he smiles

Y/n:"I'm great! How was the mission?"

Steve:"it was perfect, what did you guys get up to?"

Y/n:"well-" she looks at wanda

Wanda :"WE ARE ENGAGED" she shouts as she shows the group her ring

Everyone smiles wide and starts clapping

Clint :"ahh so y/n finally popped the question"

Y/n:"I wasn't the only one" she shows the group her ring

Wanda:"we kinda had the same idea" she giggles

Tony:"oh you sure are perfect for each other" he laughs

Bruce :"I'm so happy for you guys!"

Steve:"yeah guys, this is amazing news"

Tony:"ohhh this causes for a celebration don't ya think?"

Y/n:"oh I don't know"

Nat:"come on stark it'll be fun"

Wanda:"she is right, let's do it"

Thor:"ill get the drinks!" he runs to the kitchen and everyone laughs. Y/n and wanda let go of each other and go talk to the others. Wanda goes to Nat, Sam and bucky. Y/n makes her way to Peter.

Y/n:"so how was the date?"

Peter:"oh it was amazing y/n, I can't wait for you to meet her, I think you would like her"

Y/n:"what time is it?"

Peter:"uhh 8 30 why?"

Y/n:"invite her her over, what better time than this when we are all together"

Peter:"are you sure?!" he asks excitedly

Y/n:"I am, now call her" she smiles

Peter:"okay, ill go collect her too, bye"

Y/n:"bye "

Y/n walks over to Tony and Bruce and sits with them.

Bruce:"so how do you feel?"

Tony :"feel any different?"

Y/n:"for once I feel relaxed. Like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. Like I can breathe" she looks over to wanda talking with they guys, who is unaware of her fiance staring at her. "I look at her and everything is okay, there isn't one thing I wouldn't do for her"

Bruce:"that's beautiful y/n"

Tony:"I'm really proud of you kid, I love you"

Y/n:"love you too dad" she stands up. " by the way Peter is bringing his girlfriend over so don't drink too much"

Tony rolls his eyes as y/n walks away to join wanda, Nat Sam and bucky.

Bucky:"would ya look who it is"

Nat:"looks like y/n went soft" she jokes

Y/n:"hey! I haven't got soft"

Sam:"no she is right, she is whipped" everyone starts laughing

Y/n:"if being happy and in love is whipped, I don't mind the term" she giggles as she hugs wanda from behind

Bucky:"ugh you make me feel so single" he fakes getting sick

Nat:"oh don't worry bucky, someone will put up with you some day" she laughs

Y/n:"yeah maybe Sam's sister might-"

Sam:"don't even go there stark" he gives a glare and everyone laughs

Thor:"I've got the essentialssss" he shouts

Wanda :"that's our call"

Y/n:"guys Peter is bringing his girlfriend here tonight, be nice okay?"

Sam:"when are we not nice?!" he fakes an offended look

Y/n:"just be easy on him, don't embarrass the kid"

Peter:"WE ARE HERE" he shouts as he walks through the door

This should be good.

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