Out Of Blood

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*nobody's POV*

Over the next few days Tony made a gauntlet of his own in hopes to reverse the destruction thanos had caused. He has just finished and called the team in.

Y/n:"are we sure this will work?"

Tony:"I honestly don't know, I hope so"

Clint:"so who's gonna snap their fingers"

Thor:"let me do it, I am the strongest here"

Steve :"woah woah, listen we all want to be the big hero and snap our fingers, but I don't want anyone getting hurt here"

Scott:"he is right, all those stones hold too much power"

Nat:"enough power to kill someone"

Bruce:"it's gotta be me"

Tony:"banner are you sure"

Bruce:"it's mostly gamma radiation..... Its like I was made for it"

Tony :"everyone get back"

The team gives Bruce some room and he starts to put the gauntlet on. The room is full of his screams.




Bruce:"n-no I'm fine aghhhhhh"

He keeps screaming while bringing his fingers closer together. He snaps his fingers and the room is blasted with light. Bruce falls to the ground

Tony:"banner you good?"

Bruce:"did we do it?"

He slowly gets up and takes off the gauntlet. His arm is burned from the energy that just ripped through his body.

A phone rings.

Clint:"that's mine" he looks at the caller id. "no..." it's his wife

He answers the call and cried upon hearing his wife's voice once again.

Nat and y/n look at each other and grin widely.

Nat:"we did it"

Y/n:"WE DID IT!"

The girls share a hug and Steve says to Tony.

Steve:"stark saving the world again"

Tony:"it's just a hobby really" he jokes.

Scott walks over to the window and looks outside. It's quiet. Almost too quiet.

Scott :"I can't believe it-"

Scott is blasted back from the window as the compound is bombarded with shots from a spaceship. The floors concaved and fell to the ground sending all the avengers to the ground.

The compound is ruined and everyone is trapped underneath the rubble.

Thor gets up and looks for the team. He meets Nat, Tony, Steve and y/n.

Y/n:"he is here"


Y/n:"barney" she jokes

Nat:"lets end this once and for all"

Thor:"where are the stones?"

Tony:"somewhere underneath all this. All I know is that he doesn't have them"

Steve:"let's keep it that way"

They all walk out from the wreckage and see thanos.

Thanos:"you really couldn't handle your defeat?"

Thor:"we are saving what you ruined"

Thanos:"once I defeat you for the second time, I will use the stones you so kindly collected for me already, and start a new universe who are grateful for what they are given"

Steve:"born out of blood"

Thanos:"they will never know because you won't be around to tell them."

He send an energy ball to the team knocking them backwards.

Y/n:"alright we gave you a head start, now we are gonna kick your ass"

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